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Screwdrivers are the second most common edged weapon to be used after a knife. Such attacks are sometimes fatal as I witnessed some years ago working in Washington, DC. The medics did a great job of using bandages and tape to secure the screwdriver in place, but, unfortunately the victim did not survive.
If that screw driver had been serial numbered and registered at the point of sale with a thorough background check done on the owner before sale, and the device kept in a locked approved cabinet with only the owner having the keys that incident would have been prevented.

My refrigerator makes the nicest, perfect little ice cubes one would ever imagine seeing, yet I still own two or three ice picks!
Next thing you know they will imbed an AI chip with temperature sensor in ice picks so that if you wash it in warm water near body temperature, the authorities will be alerted, and armed police will be dispatched to your GPS coordinates to raid your back yard BBQ.
That might prove interesting!

You have, no doubt, heard of the "Barbecue Gun", a magnificently adorned pistol of great quality and beauty.
Of course! My BBQ gun is a Webley MkVI .455 with Webley-Pritchard bayonet which can be used for roasting linked sausages or marshmallows, also handy for spearing roast potatoes to remove from the grill.
If we are going that route then mine would be the 91/30 Mosin w/bayonet so I can stand inside and make smores over the fire in a rainstorm.
A uk legal test case found that carrying a screwdriver is not classed as a offensive weapon.

Also remember that telling a cop that you carry it for protection...will get you ni ked.
screwdriver stabbings were a thing some time ago now its all knife crime.
All these items mentioned have always just been tools to me, it's the actual human and their mind/intention that's the problem, isn't it funny that governments/law makers don't seem to want to tackle the real cause here?
Maybe their real aim all along has been to disarm the law abiding citizen after all, so that we can't push back when faced with tyranny.
its people that are the problem not the implement they use.
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