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What's Your Greatest Fear? - Nix - 7 September 2013

Mine is not so much if I can survive on what I've done for a few months or so. It's PEOPLE. They are the wild card, the greatest unknown factor in any scenario for me. I don't care how well prepared you are or how tough you might be or even what weapons you've got, roaming gangs intent on having what you've got, whether they find you at home or accidently stumble on you in your favourite bug out place, they won't be there to ask politely. Worse of all, you've got family with you who can't run and are totally helpless.

That is my greatest fear.

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - bigpaul - 7 September 2013

(7 September 2013, 13:34)Nix Wrote: Mine is not so much if I can survive on what I've done for a few months or so. It's PEOPLE. They are the wild card, the greatest unknown factor in any scenario for me. I don't care how well prepared you are or how tough you might be or even what weapons you've got, roaming gangs intent on having what you've got, whether they find you at home or accidently stumble on you in your favourite bug out place, they won't be there to ask politely. Worse of all, you've got family with you who can't run and are totally helpless.

That is my greatest fear.
I think your giving people/sheeple FAR too much credit, sure in the cities rioting and looting will be the norm, but will people roam further than the area they know well? I doubt it very much..too many unknowns for most people, too scary, they don't know what they might come up against. if you can get out of the cities-either now or as TS hits TF then you might be in a better position than those that remain.

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Nix - 7 September 2013

I see your point but I reckon that desperation will make individuals/gangs roam. Even complete morons should know that food is grown out in the countryside on farms so that alone will get the people out of the cities once all the food stores are raided and empty.

It's either that or escaping what they're already experiencing inside the city boundaries but they WILL roam.

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - bigpaul - 7 September 2013

(7 September 2013, 13:52)Nix Wrote: I see your point but I reckon that desperation will make individuals/gangs roam. Even complete morons should know that food is grown out in the countryside on farms so that alone will get the people out of the cities once all the food stores are raided and empty.

It's either that or escaping what they're already experiencing inside the city boundaries but they WILL roam.
depends on where they are and what the situations is, if its power down, no fuel, then how far can the average pleb walk in a day? and how many days will they walk before they give up and go back? I am 30 and 40 miles from the only 2 cities that Devon had, neither of which have the population of Londonistan or the midlands! I reckon 10 miles max a day and that's on a good day, bad weather and they'll be lucky to make half that, even then they'll have to either cross Dartmoor or go around it.we picked this place for a reason!

if you add in the winter weather we had last year, most of the bridges and a lot of the roads were flooded, railway line at Exeter was under water, lots of trees down and gullies flooded.

most of them wont have the right clothing or footwear, mostly fashion stuff which wont last 5 minutes outside of the cities, or shelter or possibly food and water, and be out of condition, feeble from lack of food/water.

they wont leave the city until there is no food left in the city-why would they?

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Tibbs735 - 7 September 2013

My greatest fear? Being overwhelmed and cut adrift, as just another refugee during the initial stages. Another one is the overall scenario, which is anything that leaves most people alive, like sudden loss of oil or total economic collapse, followed by the no martial law. Why do I want martial law? Because it would most likely apply to the large population centres. Every day that the hordes are stuck in the cities is another day that they are wasting ammunition, getting diseases, getting killed or injured or dying of revived diseases from a loss of sanitation and other services. When they can no longer be contained, it ma well be too late for many to get very far.

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - bigpaul - 7 September 2013

(7 September 2013, 15:11)Tibbs735 Wrote: Why do I want martial law? Because it would most likely apply to the large population centres. Every day that the hordes are stuck in the cities is another day that they are wasting ammunition, getting diseases, getting killed or injured or dying of revived diseases from a loss of sanitation and other services. When they can no longer be contained, it ma well be too late for many to get very far.

sounds feasible. as long as the military gets the same diseases etc.-would want them to do all that in the cities and then start again in the coun tryside

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Sunna - 7 September 2013

the unknown , a lot of this stuff is guess work we just dont know what will happen or who it will happen to.
throughout history when things happned nobody had a clue what was going on,look at the great plauge wiped out half of europe no one understood about rats ,germs ect.
if you know what it is you have a chance but if you dont , R I P

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - TheFalcon - 7 September 2013

My greatest fear is still being in london when TSHTF

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - bigpaul - 7 September 2013

(7 September 2013, 16:01)Sunna Wrote: the unknown , a lot of this stuff is guess work we just dont know what will happen or who it will happen to.
throughout history when things happned nobody had a clue what was going on,look at the great plauge wiped out half of europe no one understood about rats ,germs ect.
if you know what it is you have a chance but if you dont , R I P

most of the people in the plague couldn't read or write, no newspapers, tv or the internet, news travelled by word of mouth very slowly, wouldn't happen these days with 24 hour news.

(7 September 2013, 16:06)TheFalcon Wrote: My greatest fear is still being in london when TSHTF

yep, like the riots only 100 times worse and permanent!

my greatest concern-NOT fear, is how people will react when TSHTF, I am surrounded by sheeple not another prepper or alternative person in the place, ok so the PARISH population is only 1,300 but that's still too many for comfort unless there is a huge "die-off", if its a slow financial meltdown their all going to go crazy!

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Jonas - 7 September 2013

My greatest fear? That my six children, their spouses, and the grandchildren won't be able to make it to a safe place when everything comes crumbling down.