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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Grumpy Grandpa - 8 July 2013

(8 July 2013, 21:15)Highlander Wrote: I think there is a bit of confusion here,.. `First aid`, is simply that `First aid`, and it can only cover a very limited area,.. `First aid` is designed to be carried out before a more qualified person arrives to take over

What you seem to be asking GG, is something far beyond first aid, with that in mind my answer might be something like

Re-alining broken bones
the theory of amputation

These two might well prove very handy, but they are not first aid

You're right HL, as always, I was asking about something a bit beyond First Aid - I've introduced confusion all on my own'some. (Thanks for your responses, by the way, duly noted!)

I did think about the title (not for long enough, obviously! Smile) and decided (wrongly! Smile) that any such training, if it could be arranged and delivered, couldn't impart experience or even knowledge, only serve as an introduction, as a 'First', if you like; experience and study would have to follow. Also, because all I was looking for was a list of topics any such training would have to include, I just went with First Aid.

Without opening a new thread then, could I ask members once more (and I'll re-phrase it a bit... Smile) to please give a few moments thought to this:

If it was possible to arrange SHTF 'No-One Else Is Coming' Training, what topics would you like to have covered?

(With my sincerest apologies {in a very false Blackadder German accent} for allowing King Confusion to reign Big Grin)

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Kenneth Eames - 9 July 2013

Many of you might consider Herbal medicine for First Aid. Many herbs in the countryside that can be used to staunch blood. Think of the humble Daisy who's Latin name is Bellis perennis, The genus Bellis is named after the God of war, therefore a wound herb. I must try to find time to write a series on Herbal First Aid. For now, think about the Herbal Materia Medica of which, Burdock is the first. See what they tell you, how can they be used as first aid? Keep studying what has been written. Go to lesson 4 on antiseptics. Can this help you? I leave you to go back to what has been written so far. Kenneth Eames.

Go and This will give you plenty of Herbal First Aid. Kenneth Eames.

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Jonas - 9 July 2013

(8 July 2013, 21:58)Grumpy Grandpa Wrote: Without opening a new thread then, could I ask members once more (and I'll re-phrase it a bit... Smile) to please give a few moments thought to this:

If it was possible to arrange SHTF 'No-One Else Is Coming' Training, what topics would you like to have covered?

If I were making the recommendations and sufficient time, I'd go with the following:

Vital Signs:
1. pulse
2. blood pressure
3. oxygen saturation
4. appearance (cyanotic, diaphoretic, etc.)

Use of a stethoscope:
1. what you're hearing
2. what it means

Airway Management:
1. oropharangeal airways
2. endotracheal tube
3. cricothyrotomy (the old "penknife tracheotomy")
4. "sucking chest wound (pneumothorax or hemothorax)

Bleeding Management:
1. pressure
2. tourniquet
3. Steri-strips
4. suturing

1. asystole
2. shock
3. pericardial tamponade
4. M.I.

Fracture Management:
A: Extremities (simple/compound)
1. radius/ulna
2. humerus
3. femur
4. tibia/fibia
B: Spinal
1. lumbar
2. thoracic
3. cervical

1. concussion
2. TIA
3. CVA
4. Sub-dural/epidural hematoma

Many of these conditions can only be treated by an MD in a hospital setting (which means if no one else is coming, the patient is toast, but much can be done in the field as well.

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Highlander - 9 July 2013

As I see this, most none first aid problems could almost [ very generally ] be put into two groups,.. I would like to be able to ,......

Stop heavy bleeding,.. covers everything from a knife cut or axe slip to arrow hole or gunshot

Bones......................covers everything from how to set broken bones, to dislocations,
..............................and the pain medication to deal with both

So those would be the two I would like to know the practicalities to

Oh, and Jonas just mentioned one other that could be very important,..... cricothyrotomy (the old "penknife tracheotomy")

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Grumpy Grandpa - 9 July 2013

Jonas, my thanks. That's the kind of list I was hoping to end up with - you cover it in a oner! It's a very comprehensive wishlist that would probably have to be whittled down a bit into what is achievable.

HL, my thanks to you also, they would be top of my priorities too.

I was feeling quite disappointed with the response to this. I hope I'm wrong but it would seem that maybe there aren't all that many who are interested in being able to do all that they can post any 'event'... Huh

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - River Song - 9 July 2013


Just needs a little more time to think what is needed.

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Grumpy Grandpa - 9 July 2013

Thanks RS...

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Jonas - 10 July 2013

(9 July 2013, 22:03)Grumpy Grandpa Wrote: Jonas, my thanks. That's the kind of list I was hoping to end up with - you cover it in a oner! It's a very comprehensive wishlist that would probably have to be whittled down a bit into what is achievable.

Awww shucks! T'wernt nuthin. Cool

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - River Song - 11 July 2013

I reckon the Jonas post has covered quite a bit of the ER scendiarios
but if you are providing general medical stuff as well you will need to consider.

a. URTI - Upper Resp Tract Infections, bronchitis, pneumonia etc - that kind if stuff. Think antibiotics and chest clearers whether natural or chemical

b. The Bottom Bits - Diarroea leading to dehydration etc.

c. TB - We are already seeing a resurgence of this in overcrowded situations.
Get plenty of sunlight and/or Vit D

d. Cholera - Post TU if power and sanitation goes, Cholera will break out.
There are oral vaccinations available now - go get some

RE: SHTF First Aid Courses - Skean Dhude - 11 July 2013

To be honest I answered as best as I could. Not being medically minded I won't be able to define a checklist. I leave that to the medically minded aof you but my prime objective was stated. I want to not have to stand by when I could do more.