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What's Your Greatest Fear? - Printable Version

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RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Midnitemo - 7 September 2013

Is failing my family...i don't want to be found wanting on judgement day....i have children who live with there mother in the south west and i haven't got a clue whether i'll have time to reach them and would they even go with me...very perplexing.

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Highlander - 7 September 2013

My greatest fear is can I provide???,... ok I have lived in the country all my life, I have trapped, and hunted, I have,.and do grow food,.... but can I do it well enough to provide for more people than myself

Its easy when we do it as a hobby or trying it out just before tea, but the best of hunters will not fetch home the food every day, and I am not the best hunter

Prepping, and talking of prepping sometimes sends us into a false sense of security, we think we can do all that is talked about

.... until we have to do it for real

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - Nix - 7 September 2013

Good points re roaming but knowing that a person can theoretically live for 3 weeks without food is disturbing me. I know the longer time goes on the weaker they will get but aided with a vehicle and weapons, they would still be very formidable, especially if starvation makes them even bolder and less caring about anything except themselves. I think the clean water factor would come in and help the likes of us. Hopefully, most of us have provisioned for clean water, this is so essential!

Families will always be a concern. I know the chances of me taking a serious hit is very high if I'm protecting family members around me cos I'll not run away if they can't. I am 101% certain that without me around, their chances of survival are zero. At least if I'm there, they have a chance.

RE: What's Your Greatest Fear? - MaryN - 7 September 2013

Trying very hard not to give in to fearful thoughts. Stiff upper lip and all that stuff and trying to be ready.