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racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - Printable Version

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racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - ukphil - 20 August 2012

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - Hrusai - 20 August 2012

my favourite bit was "my parents were african, they were born in jamaica" xD she's so african she doesnt even know which countries are part of africa!

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - Carnebwen - 20 August 2012

Hate crime and several weeks in prison if we are being fair. Add several more weeks f she said It on twitter or offended a celebrity somehow.

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - rburnsrich - 20 August 2012

She may be mad but she wasn't trying to say Jamaica is in Africa. Simply that are parents where Africans whose descendants had been brought to jamiaca(as slaves). The real issue is that all groups are slightly racist towards others. Although whites are slightly worse than the other groups. I know this will cause a backlash but it's true and a did use the word slightly.

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - Skean Dhude - 20 August 2012

Is slightly racist the same as being slightly dead or slightly pregnant? I always thought you were or you were not.

That is the issue with us. We are always willing to excuse something that doesn't deserve it and kick our own. They on the other hand kick are always making excuses for their own.

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - rburnsrich - 21 August 2012

I was talking about slightly in terms of a per capita number not the individual. Although like most things in life it's not black and white. Therefore I also think the individual can be slightly racist.

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - Prepaday - 21 August 2012

Oh my, What an angry woman ! I wonder what caused that outburst?
Would have been interesting to see this scene recorded a few mins earlier.
Did she just start ranting or was something said to rile her? She seemed as though she had been partaking in a little non prescribed medicine?
I know loads of sun bed addicts and believe me, orange or light brown is the colour they turn...Not black. If you are a decent person, kind, caring, tollerent etc, it matters not what colour you are.

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - bigpaul - 21 August 2012

i wonder if she will even be charged much less go to the white woman was a few months back.....i was under the impression that only WHITE people can be rascist(Apparently BLACK people and Moslems are as pure as the driven snowTongue..or so the media would have you think).

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - rburnsrich - 21 August 2012

Do you really want her to be charged? She is a looper who people probably find funny and disgusting in equal measures. She should be forgotten about and let go back to her lonely life. Any police time wasted in this is time not spent catching thugs who rob little old ladies.

Although the little old lady would still get robbed and speeding fines go up instead.

RE: racist rant against white people by passenger on London bus - bigpaul - 21 August 2012

so you want a WHITE woman to go to prison and get her kids taken into care but you dont want a BLACK woman to suffer the same fate?? one law for one and a different law for the other is it?? the laws are there for ALL and everyone should be treated the same irrespective of colour...but then i've always said..THE LAW IS AN ASS!!Big Grin