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25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - Printable Version

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25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - bigpaul - 22 March 2013

from our Lizzie (Bennett), take special note of items 21/22 especially no 22 (Social Isolation):

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - Jonas - 28 March 2013

The only way I know of avoiding a pandemic of any kind is self-quarantine for the entire family (this means NO ONE leaves or enters the house). The length of the quarantine depends on the size of the city/village where the family lives. In our town of 2000, I figure 4 weeks should be sufficient for us.

Families should have food supplies and medication adequate for the timeframe that they need to self-quarantine.

Remember, virii can be transmitted on paper too, so taking your mail from the mailbox with disposable gloves and steaming the mail before you touch it could prevent exposure.

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - bigpaul - 28 March 2013

(28 March 2013, 17:32)Jonas Wrote: The only way I know of avoiding a pandemic of any kind is self-quarantine for the entire family (this means NO ONE leaves or enters the house). The length of the quarantine depends on the size of the city/village where the family lives. In our town of 2000, I figure 4 weeks should be sufficient for us.

yep, this is what i intend to do also, total isolation/lockdown, with a population of 1,300 time frame should be about the same.

some thoughts on pandemics:

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - Mortblanc - 29 March 2013

(28 March 2013, 17:32)Jonas Wrote: The only way I know of avoiding a pandemic of any kind is self-quarantine for the entire family (this means NO ONE leaves or enters the house). The length of the quarantine depends on the size of the city/village where the family lives. In our town of 2000, I figure 4 weeks should be sufficient for us.

Families should have food supplies and medication adequate for the timeframe that they need to self-quarantine.

Remember, virii can be transmitted on paper too, so taking your mail from the mailbox with disposable gloves and steaming the mail before you touch it could prevent exposure.

What if the disease has a gestation time of 21 days?

If the disease takes three weeks to exhibit symptoms, and a week to prove fatal, then you will be venturing forth among people that are still carriers and have not shown symptoms.

You spend 4 weeks in isolation, come out and find that a week latter folk are dropping over.

4 weeks latter you whole family is dead.

The most well known pandemics have long gestation periods or an intermediate carrier and debilitating symtoms.

This creates waves of sickness that sweep through the population, espically traveling from patient to caregiver and from caregiver to the next series of patients, who will suffer through without caregivers.

Pandemics that are of fast gestation and have 90-100% fatality die out within the originating populations and never have a chance to spread.

I would think that one would need to remain in isolation for at least a month after the death of the last victem, which might take 4-6 months of isolation before the waves of sickness stop.

Then you have to weatch for its return once travel through a region resumes.

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - bigpaul - 29 March 2013

depends where you live, in a city a longer lockdown will be required but out in the sticks with less people to be infected in the first place it will probably die out quicker.

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - Mortblanc - 29 March 2013

That is not the history that pandemics have exibited on your island in the past BP.

The records show that refugees from the city, all those folk with bug out bags, have carried the pandemics as waves into the heart of the rural areas as they tried to escape the cities.

Thriving villages were left with only a few souls. The survivors were the ones that proved disease resistant more than the ones that hid well.

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - bigpaul - 29 March 2013

(29 March 2013, 14:59)Mortblanc Wrote: That is not the history that pandemics have exibited on your island in the past BP.

The records show that refugees from the city, all those folk with bug out bags, have carried the pandemics as waves into the heart of the rural areas as they tried to escape the cities.

Thriving villages were left with only a few souls. The survivors were the ones that proved disease resistant more than the ones that hid well.

ah yes, you are talking "the black death/Plague", at its very height it took only 30%-50% of the population-maximum....thriving villages were left empty because there werent enough people left to work the fields so those that were left moved on somewhere else.

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - Mortblanc - 29 March 2013

and once plague appeared it was also not uncommon to wall up entire families inside their houses until no sign of life remained, then burn the house!

Over here smallpox, cholera and Yellow Fever were our big killers. Until the advent of modern drugs it was expected that 50% of all new immigrants would die within their first year in North America, espically in the southern regions of the U.S.

It was not unusual for entire cities to be quarenteened during more severe pandemics.

As late as 1878 Memphis TN was quarenteened during a Yellow Fever epidemic, sorrounded by Militia with orders to shoot anyone attempting to leave the city.

At that time they were not aware theat misquitoes carried the disease, or what carried most of the other pandemic diseases.

Was anyone aware that the last great Cholera pandemic began in 1961 and is still in effect world wide today. It is just not on your block at the moment.

Never fear, all those surging hordes comming through Heathrow and slipping in on small boats will bring it soon enough.

Over here they can simply walk across the border with it.

RE: 25 tips on avoiding pandemic flu - bigpaul - 30 March 2013

(29 March 2013, 22:32)Mortblanc Wrote: Never fear, all those surging hordes comming through Heathrow and slipping in on small boats will bring it soon enough.

dont worry, they are all heading for the big cities where our wonderful govt will give them free housing and benefits, and they can join up with their own kind.