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Getting out ahead of time - Scythe13 - 28 April 2014

Okay, this is a very American idea, but for those in heavily urban settings, I think it should still be worth consideration.

If there are events that you believe are 'triggers' or that signify that things are about to deteriorate very quickly, it might be worth getting up and popping out on an unscheduled camping trip. Bugging out ahead of time.

Obviously there will be various scenarios that will not allow this. Also, factors like work, health, and the alike, should be taken into consideration with any plans. But the idea is still worth thinking about.

There are many reasons for getting out of harms way. This is just one example of doing so.

What are your views on this?

RE: Getting out ahead of time - BeardyMan - 28 April 2014

If you wait until the balloon goes up before you move out then it may already be too late.

But, as always, it depends entirely upon the situation.

No one likes a premature evacuation.....

RE: Getting out ahead of time - Sunna - 28 April 2014

i live in a rural area but work as a hgv driver often on the other side of the uk far from home in citys i dont know.
if i could not drive home i do worry how i would fair , my work kit has stuff that would help but still i worry.

RE: Getting out ahead of time - SlyUrbanFox - 28 April 2014

If it's a small scale, more local event that's likely to explode and then die down then yes, lock up tight and go visit granny for a week or so. If it's more likely to go regional or bigger then are you better off by staying put with all your preps in an area you know? You don't want to jump out of the frying pan into the firestorm.

RE: Getting out ahead of time - Mortblanc - 28 April 2014

The "American concept" of the early bug out is proposed and applies to people that have a well developed BOL or own property. It will not work well for those that do not own property or belong to an extended family or group that has made proper arrangements. In many instances the "early bug out" is done on preplanned call or as reaction to a set incident by every one in the group/family at the same time, often with rally points along the journey.

The early bug out is done for two reasons.

1. The greatest danger will be getting caught un the late evacuation mob. Exfiltration of the urban area will be the greatest risk for injury or watching well laid plans evaporate in a cloud of smoke. This is not speculation, but hard cold fact based on past evacuation history.

2. You beat the "prepper trash" squatters to your land. You know the ones, the urban apartment dwelling preppers that spotted a "good BOL out in the country", have no claim on the site other than they think they are tough enough to take it away from the owners, and waited until "things got bad" (they ate their two cans of beans and ran out of toilet roll) to evacuate at 3am on foot or bike.

RE: Getting out ahead of time - bigpaul - 28 April 2014

and who says your going to get any warning?

RE: Getting out ahead of time - Scythe13 - 28 April 2014

(28 April 2014, 18:08)bigpaul Wrote: and who says your going to get any warning?

Totally agree mate.

I'm just putting this forward as an option...incase there is an early warning system in place. Just something to think about.

RE: Getting out ahead of time - Tarrel - 28 April 2014

This is one of the toughest challenges of prepping IMHO. At what point do you start to "swim against the current" and act on developing events while everyone else is carrying on Business as Usual. I think it's a fine balance. Leave it even slightly too late and you're screwed. Remember how quickly panic-buying started at petrol stations when there was just a threat of a tanker-drivers' strike?

"Acting" need not necessarily mean bugging out. It may be that your plan is to bug in. Even so, one may have to take a decision to leave work, collect the kids from school, cancel engagements, etc.

Ideally one would exit the 9-5 lifestyle and take more control of one's time so that it was possible to act on your instinct without fear of "what the boss would think" if you suddenly decided that you were taking an unscheduled vacation at zero notice! Apart from that, I think it's a case of keeping the radar up and using one's judgement to read developing events. Of course, having preps in place means that you could potentially leave things later than if you had to react to an event by prepping from scratch. Just don't leave it TOO late!

RE: Getting out ahead of time - bigpaul - 29 April 2014

because a city is an artificial construct and because of the numbers of population involved the event might have quicker repercussions than say outside of a city.

RE: Getting out ahead of time - River Song - 29 April 2014

quicker repercussions?

Unless we have a meteor strike, or sudden nuclear/emp attack then there will be some warning for those "who have ears to hear and eyes to see". even if its only 48 hours or so.

As an earlier post by Morblanc said, bugging out would involve a well developed BOL.
In my present situation its going to be Bug-In with the children and relatives returning home.