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Knife attacks in UK - Printable Version

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Knife attacks in UK - NorthernRaider - 30 October 2015

Knife attacks in UK

Look at these figures, then consider the fact that knife and violent crime is RISING by 18% in the Cities and 13% in the rest of the country in 2015.

Have a look at this compilation by the Guardian news paper
Knife and violent crime has risen in the last couple of years by 18% in London and 13% nationally. Violent crime in Urban areas has risen by 26% overall. There are now 250 stabbings a week in the UK, 37% increase in sexual assaults. In 2014 there was 26,370 violent crimes in the UK.

(Some media sources report crime is falling but that does not include violent crime and the under reporting of sexual assaults)

It is NOT just street gangs and urban preppers who are at risk any of us that has to travel into cities, those of us with teenage kids, tourists, business travellers and even folks with bling on them are at risk. BUT also remember that with rising crime, falling police numbers, cut backs in targeted stop and search and burgeoning civil unrest coupled to mass migration into the UK the risk from knife violence is at an all-time high.

Consider pick pocket and street robbery gangs simply cutting open your bag as you walk along the streets, to being robbed at knife point, to accidentally wandering into the wrong neighbourhood, to getting on the wrong night bus, to finding yourself stuck in the middle of riots and civil unrest (and the police have withdrawn again as they did in Tottenham) to a real SHTF situation we NEED to be more aware and better equipped to deal with the growing risk from bladed weapons.

Companies like Blade Runner provided slash and stab resistant clothing to the public and authorities alike

PDL2 Ltd - Part of the Spycatcher Group T/A BLADERUNNER PO Box 5378 London W1A 6WG

Tel: +44 (0)207 486 2086

Fax: +44 (0)207 486 2655



FYI apparently a lot of injuries sustained from knife attacks are sustained on the HANDS as people try to fend of attacks, it could make the addition of slash resistant gloves to EDC gear a worthwhile consideration.

RE: Knife attacks in UK - bigpaul - 30 October 2015

this is one of the reasons why I don't go into cities and rarely go into large "urban centres".