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Superb comment from three former steel workers
24 October 2015, 10:54,
Superb comment from three former steel workers
Just listening to the radio and they are interviewing three lads who lost their jobs in the steel works, basically what they said was along the lines of " When the plant reopened in 2012 we knew it was a gamble if the plant would survive, that's why we got together and formed our own allotment club cooperative, so at least if the plant did shut down again our families would not go hungry". I believe they now have 8 or 9 members in their cooperative.

Now that is the sort of common sense cooperation I do admire

24 October 2015, 11:09,
RE: Superb comment from three former steel workers
It is my firm belief , ALL will need a means of growing will become a must have....if you live in a flat or have no garden ....find out where you can have an allotment local to you...if that is not an time moves on will become more obvious...become pro active ....not reactive ....move your arse !
24 October 2015, 11:55, (This post was last modified: 24 October 2015, 11:59 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Superb comment from three former steel workers
I see people growing food on balcony's in London and Newcastle, I've seen superb vertical gardening setups in terraced back yards so generally ( yes there are exceptions) it just makes common sense to grow as much as your own food as you can, not just preppers but everyone, esp contract workers, seasonal workers, low paid folks but this is one of the few things I think the state MUST get involved in. WE as a collective nation NEED far more allotments and community veg plots , we need to stop the insanity of building houses with little or no gardens, indeed if anything it is those much needed STARTER homes that need the biggest garden plots and organised groups to encourage everyone to grow as much as their food as they can.

There was one lady I read of I think used to post on UKP or P2S who grew enough potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and peas on her windows and balcony to 95% feed herself, roll up spud bags, trellis against the walls for peas, toms on he windowsills, carrots in plastic tugs etc.

This is part of the problem with our society, when times are good and they are earning few people make any plans to support themselves when things turn bad, and relying on the state is never going to be practical nor just.

What are / was various Lib Lab Cons thinking when they decided FAMILY homes on new estates did NOT need a decent size garden plot, parking for more than 1.5 cars, no places for kids to play and no market garden or allotments, its insane.

24 October 2015, 18:12,
RE: Superb comment from three former steel workers
ONE HOUR ....yes one hour a all it get the best food you can what is the problem ? not one....except maybe one small one...YOU !
24 October 2015, 19:05, (This post was last modified: 24 October 2015, 19:10 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Superb comment from three former steel workers
Some folks simply cannot access land or are to physically disabled, but they could do stuff like sort seeds etc to contribute to an allotment group, or even make the tea Smile In some towns councils are still selling off land used for allotments to build houses on that should be illegal. And in some communities they guerilla garden.

I'm finally after five years making a tiny bit of progress myself, instead of only producing green or brown slime I'm finally producing SOME food, managed carrots, onions, blue berrys, strawberries and a miserable looking bunch of spuds Smile BUT its progress at least.

24 October 2015, 20:26,
RE: Superb comment from three former steel workers
Exactly my point NR .....practice the art NOW....get a routine going even if its just growing cress on blotting paper...sprouting seeds these things are simple and can be down sitting in a chair....its no good doing nothing !....things need not be hopeless even if you are not out the things you CAN do not dwell on things you cannot do....find alternatives ....if you are here reading this you are either preparing on thinking of such cases that is what we do prepare with any and all means within our power....there are always alternatives ....inaction does not come into the prepper mind set .......if it does are probably in the wrong place.

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