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German super volcano
2 January 2012, 18:34, (This post was last modified: 2 January 2012, 18:37 by Reality Jones.)
German super volcano
Check this out! It's a great site for keeping up to date on what is happening around the world!


OOps¬ Sorrry NR, you'd already put this up, but the site mine is on is well worth a look.
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

2 January 2012, 18:38,
RE: German super volcano
Gosh the thought of the south east being incinerated and buried under hundreds of meters of hot pummice fills me with hope, there is a god Smile

3 January 2012, 18:08,
RE: German super volcano
have a look at the photo NR! it isnt just London & the home counties, the radius of that fallout could cover ALL of England-to a greater or lesser extent, but like you say the thought of London covered in ash sort of bears out what you have been saying for years!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 January 2012, 19:57,
RE: German super volcano
i just miss it
to win the war, you must be willing to die

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