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why i want TSHTF
18 February 2013, 14:22,
RE: why i want TSHTF
(18 February 2013, 14:18)Metroyeti Wrote: Bp the chavs are strong breed/race they eat crap,smoke,drink and do drugs and still pop babies out left right and centre, probably related to the medieval wet nurse lol. Its the middle class who are healthy and eat right who struggle to have kids and have to get ivf treatment

TBH i care for neither type of person, i hope they all die off in the great SHTF to come!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 February 2013, 14:33,
RE: why i want TSHTF
I reckon trash like those are the norm in most of the UK, Just had to pop into Newcastle to get son something and I could not get out again quick enough, foul language is the norm, good manners non existant, spitting and blowing snot onto the floor of metro trains appears to be obligatory, every shop assistant appeared to be talking about getting wrecked last night or planning to do so tonight.
I flushed bright red as I stood with my son at a counter whilst to local "ladies" discussed if they should let their boyfriends have bareback anal sex with them !!!!, Pushing and shoving to get through doors is also normal and if you are daft enough like I am to hold a door open to let someone through dont exppect anyone to say thanks.

There are more scum by a huge margin than normal decent people these days.

18 February 2013, 14:40, (This post was last modified: 18 February 2013, 14:42 by Metroyeti.)
RE: why i want TSHTF
Had a lad on saturday night slap and push a girl in a club, took him outside and told him to fuck off, he told me to chill out, it wa ok as she was his friend. Went back inside and spoke to her, turned out she was his friend, if thats what friends do to each other nowadays I dont want to know. Simple common curtescy has gone out of the window, when people walk into me I automaticaly say sorry even though I didnt do anything and they never say sorry back. This take and me me me culture has devolved the public

Nr judging by the comments of the local ladies im guessing you were in sports direct
18 February 2013, 14:42,
RE: why i want TSHTF
(18 February 2013, 14:33)NorthernRaider Wrote: I reckon trash like those are the norm in most of the UK, Just had to pop into Newcastle to get son something and I could not get out again quick enough, foul language is the norm, good manners non existant, spitting and blowing snot onto the floor of metro trains appears to be obligatory, every shop assistant appeared to be talking about getting wrecked last night or planning to do so tonight.
I flushed bright red as I stood with my son at a counter whilst to local "ladies" discussed if they should let their boyfriends have bareback anal sex with them !!!!, Pushing and shoving to get through doors is also normal and if you are daft enough like I am to hold a door open to let someone through dont exppect anyone to say thanks.

There are more scum by a huge margin than normal decent people these days.

The holding doors or letting people go 1st who then don't say thanks really bugs me. I have to be honest though, it's normally the middle class wannabe snobs that do this in my experience. I just say rather loudly "you're welcome". One time a guy turned around & asked me what I said & I told him what I said along with "I thought you said thank you when I stopped & moved out of the way to let you you passed. Oh that's right, you didn't". Makes them get a little red faced. Not sure if its anger or embarrassment. Either way, I don't care.

That's not to say some scummy little scroungers don't do it either mind but I tell them the same aswell.

Back to the articles, fingers crossed the event is soon & they all die off rather quickly.
18 February 2013, 15:38,
RE: why i want TSHTF
(18 February 2013, 14:42)Geordie_Rob Wrote: fingers crossed the event is soon & they all die off rather quickly.

amen to that, roll on the revolution!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 February 2013, 22:38,
RE: why i want TSHTF
Scum can be very dangerous pshtf..never mind descent folk who will , turn into desperardo,s, either way WE will have our work cut out
18 February 2013, 23:13,
RE: why i want TSHTF
Big Paul makes a lot of very good points !
19 February 2013, 08:07,
RE: why i want TSHTF
If you think things are going to get any better once TSHTF and that suddenly the country will return to some kind of imaginary Victorian idle where people doff their hats and wish you a good day every time you fart in public, and that the empire will rise again you are very very mistaken!

Things are going to get worse! A lot worse! All concept of the social 'norm' that you seem to think is the right way to behave will be flushed down the toilet, the spoiled middle classes will revert back to the true chavs they are and the upper classes who haven't hidden behind their gated communities will believe themselves to be you masters.
If things like bad manners piss you off now then your in for a massive shock WTSHTF. Feral gangs will be roaming the streets of the cities and the countryside and they wont give a f##k about your self imposed idea of what is right and wrong.

I think a lot of preppers are under the illusion that once they sit 'it' out the world will be like a painting by constable or van gogh, and everyone will be rosy and ruddy cheeked as they work the fields by day and in the evening drink home made cider while they lay back in the long grass and watch the sun go down.

Good luck !
Respect existence or expect resistance!
19 February 2013, 08:47,
RE: why i want TSHTF
(19 February 2013, 08:07)Ghost Wrote: If you think things are going to get any better once TSHTF and that suddenly the country will return to some kind of imaginary Victorian idle where people doff their hats and wish you a good day every time you fart in public, and that the empire will rise again you are very very mistaken!

Things are going to get worse! A lot worse! All concept of the social 'norm' that you seem to think is the right way to behave will be flushed down the toilet, the spoiled middle classes will revert back to the true chavs they are and the upper classes who haven't hidden behind their gated communities will believe themselves to be you masters.
If things like bad manners piss you off now then your in for a massive shock WTSHTF. Feral gangs will be roaming the streets of the cities and the countryside and they wont give a f##k about your self imposed idea of what is right and wrong.

I think a lot of preppers are under the illusion that once they sit 'it' out the world will be like a painting by constable or van gogh, and everyone will be rosy and ruddy cheeked as they work the fields by day and in the evening drink home made cider while they lay back in the long grass and watch the sun go down.

Good luck !

I agree completely,.. at the moment the law, and certain social moral standards hold back lots of people from being the very worst they can be,... if TSHTF and the law collapses it lets all those people free to do what they like,.. the yobbos that are always throwing stones now will murder for a boiled sweet or for fun after TSHTF

Look at any country before the law, and you will see outlaws around every corner,...lots of people are kidding themselves right now,... but the truth is that it will take many years to get back to any sort of safe country if a complete collapse occurres,... many who wish for the S to hit TH now will not survive to see the better times
A major part of survival is invisibility.
19 February 2013, 10:37,
RE: why i want TSHTF
Confused just read that if she dont like it they will have to build her a bigger one?? wtf ? ok its the sun but if she thinks that grrrrrr!!!

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