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Hi from North Devon
24 April 2013, 15:00,
Hi from North Devon
Hi folk

Am not a prepper or survivalist as such, only someone who thinks he sees some of the potential unfolding realities around him, and some aren't very pleasant for all of us.

Am concerned about head geezer's comment about socialists on the main website, so want to check I'm welcome here. I'm not a socialist, but neither am I a capitalist (much). In fact I think the whole left wing right wing thing has become a bit of a red herring to distract populations from realising that actually they don't have much choice....the dictatorship of globalised democracy.

So will I be persecuted for expressing some of my more socialist views? Will I be persecuted for wanting to explore communism, even if it is not ultimately the answer? Will I be pigeonholed as a 'woolly liberal leftie' even though some of my views are actually very 'right wing'?

In my view certain more 'left wing' and more 'right wing' groups on the net should share resources...I guess survivalist groups are traditionally more 'right' wing. and eco-groups are traditionally more 'left' wing...but there are some great low impact living forums that survivalist groups could learn from...and whether you are 'right wing' or 'left wing' you have to admit that a small community of people with pooled muscle, resources and knowledge is much more likely to survive than is an isolated individual or couple with only phone or net contact with other like-minded souls.

'Communal' aint a dirty word, but some more 'right' wing people I've encountered might think it is a dirty word.

Well, if you have read this far and haven't fallen asleep, congratulations!

If I am welcome I hope I can learn and contribute!



(actually I do gravitate to the 'left' more than the 'right', but it's all bollocks really)
24 April 2013, 15:14,
RE: Hi from North Devon
welcome matt and big hello from south wales
24 April 2013, 15:23,
RE: Hi from North Devon
hello and welcome!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 April 2013, 15:24,
RE: Hi from North Devon
Hello and Welcome.

May be best not to talk politics then. I do try and keep away from politics but my views are well known. I'm actually a libertarian myself, not much traction for that stance since about 250 years ago. I agree though none of the main parties are that far apart. Socialists the lot of them although Cameron is changing, too late imo. He has been assimilated by some Tory ideas. Who would have thunk it.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
24 April 2013, 15:41,
RE: Hi from North Devon
Welcome to the forum my commie friend. Haha, most of us on here joke around about commie-bastards or capitalist-superhero-legend. So don't worry about your political views. We tend to dislike whoever is in power, as a nation, so it's no big deal.

In all seriousness, welcome to the forum, and we're glad to have you here.

What issues do you see unfolding that are of concern to you?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
24 April 2013, 16:01,
RE: Hi from North Devon
hello and welcome
24 April 2013, 16:19,
RE: Hi from North Devon
Hello and welcome from Northumberland
i write with my right hand and punch with my left if that helps as for politics its all a crock no matter whos in charge
24 April 2013, 16:44,
RE: Hi from North Devon
welcome from the manchester/liverpool borders
24 April 2013, 17:34,
RE: Hi from North Devon
Hello and welcome from the Scottish Highlands

Personally I wouldn't bother either way which box you pop up in, if I didn't agree with you I would say so or not answer your post,... but I would never go as far as to say you are not welcome.

I agree with SD, survival has little to do with politics, it might be the result of politics, but the site deals with the end result i.e. how to deal with life after it falls apart, that leaves out the politics completely
A major part of survival is invisibility.
24 April 2013, 17:48,
RE: Hi from North Devon
Welcome to the forum

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