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Political posts ! ?
13 May 2013, 14:15,
Political posts ! ?
SD, can you decide what you define as "prepper related political posts" as it appears that the Farrell post has been "censored?" okay we know this is YOUR site...fair enough that you get to play god with it and the threads you lock, afew of us think the Eurozone IS prepper related....certainly me, so on the news section maybe remove the word political all of us know its a no-go/taboo subject. thanx RW.
13 May 2013, 15:03,
RE: Political posts ! ?
i think anything to do with the EU IS prepper related as i believe this is where TSHTF will start, in fact its ALREADY started for places like Greece! anything that happens in the EU is going to have a bearing on us here, whether we put our plans into action and at which point, even to when we bug out!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 May 2013, 15:27,
RE: Political posts ! ?
I think the political part is to include laws that effect preppers, like gun ownership, amount of fuel you can store, and that kind of thing.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
13 May 2013, 16:15,
RE: Political posts ! ?
So not thousands of asylum seekers competing for resources after a collapse brought on by overspending supporting them? Damn, that's most of my news posts out.
13 May 2013, 17:07,
RE: Political posts ! ?
(13 May 2013, 16:15)Carnebwen Wrote: So not thousands of asylum seekers competing for resources after a collapse brought on by overspending supporting them? Damn, that's most of my news posts out.

i think you should put that under "threats and risks"!!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 May 2013, 17:07,
RE: Political posts ! ?
(13 May 2013, 16:15)Carnebwen Wrote: So not thousands of asylum seekers competing for resources after a collapse brought on by overspending supporting them? Damn, that's most of my news posts out.

I think, the fact you can summarise 1000 posts with one sentence is probably another factor for SD's removal of threads haha.

It's interesting to hear what's going on, but the influx of Polish people and the alike has not collapsed the economy. still high, and it's human nature, regardless of where you're from. So, really, it's interesting, but not directly prepper related, unless coupled with information on how to prepare for it and how best to support yourself for such an occurrence.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
13 May 2013, 17:15,
RE: Political posts ! ?
13 May 2013, 17:25,
RE: Political posts ! ?
i dont agree Scythe, an influx of immigrants WILL have an effect on most people but mainly people living in cities as that is where the immigrants will head for, services and resources will be stretched including the NHS and A&E-these immigrants will always have health issues and then there is housing, why is it someone just arrived in this country goes to the head of the housing queue over someone who has lived here all their lives? eventually the country will not be able to cope, there wont be enough food in the shops-they wont be able to deliver it fast enough or the supply chain will break down, tempers will flare, riots will break out, looting and arson will erupt and the S##t WILL have hit the fan. THEN this wont be a political matter, it wont even be a criminal matter, it will be a prepping in who has and who didnt bother, the sheeple will wait for the govt to ride to the rescue like the 7th Cavalry and they'll start dying of hunger, thirst and disease when TPTB cant or wont get their fingers out, welcome to your worst nightmare, the collapse of western civilisation as we know it.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 May 2013, 22:50,
RE: Political posts ! ?
(13 May 2013, 17:07)Scythe13 Wrote: It's interesting to hear what's going on, but the influx of Polish people and the alike has not collapsed the economy. still high, and it's human nature, regardless of where you're from. So, really, it's interesting, but not directly prepper related, unless coupled with information on how to prepare for it and how best to support yourself for such an occurrence.

It has collapsed wages. Some trades have seen £30 an hour wages go to £7-9 an hour though competition on wages.

It is something people can and do prep for. Not a fan at all of xenophobic BS, however, someone may recognise their trade is at risk through potential immigration and they could prep by widening their skill base and using some of the money they make now to buy land and tools so they can better support themselves and or put away food and goods to make it easier for themselves.

As for crime, I can tell you all about a load of lakes where fishing is no longer allowed due to people taking fish home to eat (which never happened before people came from Eastern Europe). I can tell you all about the illegal vodka factories that have sprung up, or you could look at the news reports of them exploding.

15 May 2013, 22:54,
RE: Political posts ! ?
Stop noticing patterns! We are the same and equal lalala can't hear youuuuu,

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