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Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
19 October 2015, 22:52,
Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
Sweden Close to Collapse
by Ingrid Carlqvist
October 17, 2015 at 5:00 am

If the wave of migrants keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country. That there is, in fact, an exchange of populations going on, should be clear in any sober assessment.

"The final consequence of... Sweden's immigration policy is that the economy will collapse -- because who is going to pay for it all? And economic breakdowns, once they happen, always happen very fast." -- Lars Hedegaard.

In the last two weeks, more than 1,000 "unaccompanied refugee children" have arrived from Germany via ferry; more than half of them have now vanished and are listed as missing.

For the last few weeks, the central train station in Sweden's third largest city, Malmö, has been overrun with migrants; the volunteers that for the first few days showed up with food, water and clothes now seem to have lost interest.

It will not be long until the Swedes realize that the state will not look after them. The country that just 20 years ago was considered one of the safest and most affluent in the world, is now in danger of becoming a failed state.

More at link:

Not quite got to the state where we need tents - we prefer to use high class hotels - but I see this as the natural progression of the current situation in the UK.
20 October 2015, 00:47,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
It'll be interesting to see what happens when these places start to fight back. We're already seeing what a few seriously pissed off people can do (isolated arson attacks on constructing migrant shelters) so what will happen when public opinion changes...
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
20 October 2015, 07:22,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
So ask yourself what is the route cause, why all this destabilizing in the middle east and the resulting destabilizing effect in the responsible ....we Know the effect but WHO DONE IT ? ....anyone have any ideas ?
20 October 2015, 09:22,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?

I'm sure you -might- argue that the 'destabilisation' was caused by Blair/Bush/ The problem is that 'destabilisation' is such an emotive word. Was the alternative to leave despots like Sadaam in place?

The middle east has always been a powder keg and nothing can stop it.

With relation to the OP about Sweden - do read the -rather long- article quoted about Sweden. If that country can't cope with it, its time for us to close our borders and perhaps close the tunnel.

For the more studious amongst you - check out Jean Raspail's "Camp of the Saints" published in 1971 which is a novel describing the invasion of europe by a million migrants - quite prophetic.
20 October 2015, 09:24, (This post was last modified: 20 October 2015, 09:30 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
On another forum a chap called Jonnte reports that rape and sexual assaults by migrants towards ordic women has gone through the roof and the Finnish and Swedish govts are trying to play it down.

I don't know if there is one or multiple causal factors, we could easily get into a blame playing game and we still could not do anything about it. BUT WHAT CAN WE DO to mitigate against it. Write to your MP telling him you object, Inform your local councillors you wont vote for them if they welcome migrants into your community, campaign to say your area is unsuitable for migrants (the tories have done that very well in the shires), Support anti EU / Anti Immigration / Anti Socialist parties ( not easy for many traditional voters to even consider ). Depending on your own circumstances, concerns, attitude consider moving away from urban areas where the migrants are housed, Happy urban dwellers could simpluy try improving their opsec and persec such as travel arrangements, house security, or even try to embrace the arrival of the new cause for the liberal left to embrace.

The causes are many, complicated and varied and the answers few and far between but if you are looking for people to blame start with the US and its bomb it attitude to everything, equally then the loons in the EU trying to create a Federal Socialist Super State who could not work out that to have open INTERNAL borders you need solid EXTERNAL borders. Panzer Merkel and her efforts to destroy Germany, Advocates of Multi Culturalism, ISIL, Our own easy going attitude , Our lavish bloated welfare system so appealing to migrants, Tory greed, Labour Marxism, Liberal stupidity, an idiotic justice system, Blair, Brown, Prescott, Reid, Darling, Straw etc all of whom should be hung. Certain Trade Unions who opened up offices in the Baltic and Eastern European states to ENCOURAGE huge numbers of workers to come who undercut our low skilled workers, The Greens whose climate change scare mongering saw the believers drive up taxes which wiped out our major industries thus leaving us reliant in migrant workers in the Service sector. The Migrants themselves for not standing and fighting for their homelands, The list of Blame goes on and on but its just pointless cos we cannot do much about it except ensure those we blame get voted out, and then prepare as best we can.

I don't think we are totally F***** but I thing the foreplay has finished.

River Song, Winston Churchill made similar warnings over 70 years ago about millions of as he put it then Mohammedans pouring into Europe. my own opinion for what little is worth is if you want to see how Europe and the UK will look in say 10 years time is to just look at Israel and Palestine NOW, Two totally divided cultures that hate each other sharing the same space and the moderates on both sides slowly being drowned out by the hate mongers. I do believe more strongly we WILL see huge ghettoes or areas where any white Europeans are a tiny minority as occurs NOW in parts of Paris and Marseilles and violence occurs every night.

20 October 2015, 10:18,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
Very well said, NR, I'm in total agreement with you.

Not only Churchill but do we remember Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech as well, back in 1968? This country is so lethargic, politically correct and full of do gooders that it will ultimately end badly, idealism over realism. Our own capital, London, now has the white population as a minority. Wow. History has always shown that cultures and religions rarely mix. Add a bit of extremism and it's a powder keg waiting to be ignited. It's gone way past the point of no return imho, the inevitable will happen, it's just a matter of when.
I'm NOT political so DON'T correct me!
20 October 2015, 13:00,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
I'm long past trying to blame anyone for anything, its WAY beyond that now, I think the ingredients for a perfect storm are coming together and I admit I fear the worst but would be delighted to be proven wrong. Chinas economy buggering up every body elses economies, galloping population increases, mass migration, Islam extremism, El Nino, The EUSSR, Corbyns Labour, bankrupt UK, rapidly rising violent crime ( up 23% last year) The broken NHS trying to be a WHS, Socialist politics of envy, Tory greed, the establishment attacking freedom of press, freedom of speech, Civil rights, Russian sabre rattling, The Americans looking for yet another bad guy to attack. just to many bad things happening and not enough good things.

20 October 2015, 13:21,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
yet there are sheeple out there who if they even think about the above, many do not, still think "it'll never happen-the govt wont let it !"
I see it all to often on other forums, dosent matter how much you discuss it they still don't get it.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 October 2015, 14:11,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
There are many genuinely good honest people out there who, bless 'em, have faith and trust the establishment. Undeniable proof of some of the evil and corruption in this world would shatter the very fabric of their being. I don't lambast these people but I do pity them cos the reluctance to see or seek out the truth will ultimately see their demise in a bad SHTF scenario. If it weren't for the bad apples, the good apples would perhaps thrive? Perhaps I am being too optimistic about the Human Race but I can dream, can't I?
I'm NOT political so DON'T correct me!
20 October 2015, 15:12,
RE: Sweden close to collapse - UK next?
I don't understand these people who when the evidence is right in front of them they still don't get it, why is that? are they obtuse or just plain stupid?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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