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These companies oppose gmo labelling...
9 November 2012, 15:05,
RE: These companies oppose gmo labelling...
The 8 reasons GMO's are Bad for you, basically talks about "We don't know this" then just says about stuff that has nothing to do with digesting, nutrition, or health, other than the "Don't eat poisons" bit....which applies to all other farming.

The vast majority of studies use Circumstantial evidence, and they use "If A then B" style correlations, which are totally bollocks!!! For example, People that do yoga live longer. A = People do Yoga. B = People live longer. So, using the A then B system, if you do yoga, you live longer. Which is total crap!!! People that do yoga are also those that will eat healthier balanced diets, do other types of exercise, have better paying jobs, etc. It's not Yoga that makes people live longer. It's the whole lifestyle that makes them live longer. Yoga is just an supplement to the lifestyle.

Same applies for the experiments.
Rat's were fed GMO food. Rats got ill. Eating GMO food makes you ill. Here's a thought....what about the food that rats are meant to eat? What about infected cages, and crap like that.

You hear it all the time with bodybuilding supplements. Gain 5 lbs of muscle in a week! Scientific studies show......They show jack all. Most studies are done on recovering patients whom will enjoy muscle memory, a balanced diet, and a load of medication to help them recover. The supplement is just that, an added bit.

The vast majority of 'If A then B" style principles are entertaining at least, and dangerous at most.

People take medication when unwell. If you take medication, you are unwell. Stop taking medication and you'll stop being unwell! Great principle to live by.

It's a very lovely principle to live by, as it's appetising in it's simplicity. But causal relationships in science are often smoke and mirrors.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

Messages In This Thread
RE: These companies oppose gmo labelling... - by Scythe13 - 9 November 2012, 15:05
RE: These companies oppose gmo labelling... - by IB1 - 9 November 2012, 20:26
RE: These companies oppose gmo labelling... - by BDG - 10 November 2012, 11:03
RE: These companies oppose gmo labelling... - by BDG - 10 November 2012, 21:10
RE: These companies oppose gmo labelling... - by BDG - 11 November 2012, 22:57

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