RE: You'll need more food and water than you think.
They say 2500 average for a man and 2000 for a woman but that is working and actually doing things. Not sitting on the couch all day.
The issue with budgetting is that no one really has their packs split into 1000 calorie chunks. We will open the tins we need and use them. if we get away with less because it is hot and we are laying around all day then fine if we need more then so be it.
I look at the meals we eat now and see the waste. We either just finish it off, my sin, feed it to the chickens or the compost heap. We will learn not to generate any waste but eat enough to be healthy.
No point starving when you have lots of food because you have a plan.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin