RE: I used to be a nice person
please feel free to believe what you like, its "still " an "almost free country",yes I have certain beleifs on war and why wars happen.
im my own person, I have never joined any TFH brigade, I am free to think....I am certainly anti -muslim...BUT there are EXTREMISTS in this religion who hate the west. The FACTS are there and wether you choose to look into any of the ones I mentioned OR ACCEPT what YOU are told from the Government of this or the united states. as for RT being putins propaganda machine,well isn't most of the tv/media companys ??? we are being "prepared for war" wether you or I like it or not.! I didn't mean to have a dig at you ...but I thought you seemed clued up on the events unfolding NOW.!!
Ive been to the states afew times and zig zagged across it,its a beautiful place.....with mostly good people ....but the fact is its history is built on greed, lies and corruption .....its sadly come to the end of its "land of the free" the Gov will try to enslave their own...and another bloody civil war will probably ensue. I loved America , now its going down the pan . !! jesus, you probably believe the presidents NOT a MUSLIN..,BORN IN Hawaii and NOT Indonesia !!!
Remember ....opinions are like assholes...and EVERYONES got one.!!
sorry if I got your goat ....please accept my apologies and go back to
watching Hanna Montanna on the Disney channel and just enjoy the rest of your school holidays.
I also meant to say I am NOT anti-muslim !
I also meant to say im not anti-Darwinist, if people wanna believe that its up to them !!! ive gotta go back into the garden now as I can hear the sound of a Chinook (that's a helicopter)engine coming this getting my binoculars to see if its one of those "BLACK ONES" that fly round here !