RE: C'mon baby light my fire
its not about you, or me, or TH, we have umpteen ways of making fire. its about those numpties out there who haven't got a clue and have never even thought about it, there the ones who will suffer WTSHTF. that's why I keep saying come SHTF the "die off" will be enormous because the general public dosent have these skills and never will have, it will always be someone else's job to provide..not theirs! "the government will save us" is the clarion cry, only it wont. the only thing the government cares about is.....the government.
nobody(in the general public) seems to be responsible for their own actions anymore, its always the fault of someone else. even down to having the right change in the car park.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.