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Prayer Request
4 June 2015, 22:34,
RE: Prayer Request
God bless

5 June 2015, 14:01,
RE: Prayer Request
Jonas - I have failed I know, to maintain communication recently. There have been a couple of reasons for that that are not relevant at the moment but please know that you and your good lady have never been far from my thoughts and are more so now. I pray that relief comes gently for you both...

7 June 2015, 21:47,
RE: Prayer Request
It's been a bit of a rough weekend. I keep hoping for the phone to ring and I'm afraid that it will. I have the obituary written, the funeral Mass hymns and readings picked out, and I've been moving money from our joint account to another account with just my name on it, all to keep her estate (or what's left of it - it costs $48000/year to keep her in a good facility here) out of probate court. As of last night: pulse 86 and thready, blood pressure 72/50, respirations 12 and shallow. Thank God for Hospice and morphine!

As for me? Thank God for good friends and good Bourbon whiskey! I'll update this thread when I have more news.
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
8 June 2015, 20:29,
RE: Prayer Request
I feel for you Jonas, I really do. When my time comes I'd like to think that I'll be dreaming of happy times with my family, perhaps your wife will be dreaming the same things now.

All the best,

9 June 2015, 07:02,
RE: Prayer Request
my prayers are with you now and always Jonas
Ready for Anything
9 June 2015, 15:27,
RE: Prayer Request
Love and hugs coming your way Jonas.
10 June 2015, 02:39,
RE: Prayer Request
Patricia passed last night about 6:00 PM Eastern Time. She's in a lot better place now. The funeral Mass is scheduled for Monday, June 15th. It's been a rough 24 hours!
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
10 June 2015, 05:14,
RE: Prayer Request
I am sorry you are having to go through this Jonas.

Use your support network of family and friends.

Do not try to make any major decisions for a while as the strongest of these emotions sweeps past.

It is too soon for me to start giving out advice for new widowers, but I have been there and know the grief.

You take care of yourself and try to eat right through this time. I had to make myself eat for about two weeks.

Just be careful and take care of yourself.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
10 June 2015, 06:18,
RE: Prayer Request
My deepest sympathies for you and your family Jonas.I hope that you can all take some comfort in knowing that Patricia is at peace now and no longer suffering.
10 June 2015, 13:58,
RE: Prayer Request
Heartfelt condolences on your loss Jonas.

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