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Practice for axe work
11 October 2015, 09:39, (This post was last modified: 11 October 2015, 09:41 by BeardyMan.)
RE: Practice for axe work, saw work, lifting, lugging and other ball breaking work :)
Check out Dick Proeneke (or however he spells his fucking daft name)
There's a brilliant video of him making his log cabin from scratch in the wilderness. He evidently knows his shit. I'm sure some of our American brothers can give you far more info on him than I ever could.

Video is called Alone in the Wilderness
11 October 2015, 18:48,
RE: Practice for axe work

One of the things they do not cover in the link is that Proenneke "retired" early due to a work related accident that left him partly blind. Therefore he was still in his early 50s when he set out on the effort and had a steady income and low expenses.

At that time it was also possible to "homestead" land in Alaska. You file a claim, make improvements and live on the property and it is yours for life, but reverts to the state on your death or if you abandon the property.

That is no longer allowed, so Proenneke's experience is no longer possible the way he did it. To live/homestead in Alaska now one must purchase their property.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
11 October 2015, 19:45,
RE: Practice for axe work
You can find Alone in the Wilderness on youtube. There's a 10 minute cut down version, or the full thing. Very interesting. I never knew he went partially blind, amazing man though, and beautiful part of the world.

Strangely enjoyable watching him build his cabin, almost therapeutic
11 October 2015, 20:19,
RE: Practice for axe work
If you watch the full version you will pick up on Proenneke's slightly sarcastic sense of humor, but you must listen closely.

I remember one line where he finished his fireplace and finally closed in the cabin, stoked the fire up and got the inside temp up to a "toasty 40F degrees".

How many would consider 40F a toasty, or acceptable inside temp?
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
11 October 2015, 21:14,
RE: Practice for axe work
(11 October 2015, 20:19)Mortblanc Wrote: If you watch the full version you will pick up on Proenneke's slightly sarcastic sense of humor, but you must listen closely.

I remember one line where he finished his fireplace and finally closed in the cabin, stoked the fire up and got the inside temp up to a "toasty 40F degrees".

How many would consider 40F a toasty, or acceptable inside temp?

If my gas bill keeps going up I'm going to be forced to accept 4 degrees Celsius as acceptable.

Anyone else done anything similar to Proenneke MB? More interested in books rather than video. I've been through the Daniel Boone books, and a couple of others (names forgotten at present) - but anything frontier like would be ideal. Book stores here aren't much use, just get funny looks from the 17 year olds behind the counter who try and palm me off with the new book about Atticus Finch...

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