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borehole pump
9 May 2016, 13:45,
borehole pump
Hi, hoping for some advice...
I have a hideaway in deepest Wales, and am now prepping it for self sufficiency.
On issueI would like to prepare for is off grid water.
I had a borehole drilled years ago, and provides excellent fresh water.
It has an electric pump, and I would like to put in a backup manual pump.

Is it best to get a hand crank generator (if such a thing exists) or fit a battery pump with solar generator??

not sure which route to take
9 May 2016, 13:58,
RE: borehole pump
Hello Jo
OK if I get this right you have a mains pump now and want an auxiliary back up, my thinking is that after TSHTF or disaster we will all be very busy just trying to survive and time will be precious. Time that could be used tending crops or critters or what ever.

So spending an hour or so each day hand cranking a lift pump is not the best use of your time, but you could fill a barrel fairly quickly though it could be tiring. However if you use a solar or wind (or both) powered lift pump even if its only a steady trickle of water being pumped its going to be pumped ALL of the day time and if its windy and use use a windlass pump it will lift water 24/7. I would go for a steady trickle all day from a wind or PV panel instead of knocking yourself stupid hand cranking a lift pump. ??

Welcome by the way.

9 May 2016, 14:32,
RE: borehole pump
Found this on Amazon

9 May 2016, 14:44,
RE: borehole pump
[Hi Jo and welcome.

How deep is your bore hole? More importantly how deep is the water table?

What volume of water do you need to be able to extract each day?
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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
9 May 2016, 14:49,
RE: borehole pump
LS Mon ami, I do wish you would choose your words more carefully, especially on this forum Smile ""How deep is your bore hole?""

9 May 2016, 16:15, (This post was last modified: 9 May 2016, 16:16 by Devonian.)
RE: borehole pump
Hi Jo and welcome

NR has some good logic with regards to the solar and wind pumps, But.... I would be cautious about using them and relying on them long term as these sorts of pumps tend to be very light duty, and even if they do manage to attain the specified pump rates etc, they very soon get clogged up/blocked and the tiny motors burn out. I doubt however from reading the comments if they would even be suitable for their described roles...??

I'd personally prefer something simple and mechanical (and tried and tested) as a back up, like this:
9 May 2016, 16:31,
RE: borehole pump
thanks for the links....definately worth investigating
The water table is probably shallower than the well. This is Wales, so there is water everywhere !!! (we have a very small stream running through tthe Garden too)
The Borehole is deep (about 20-30mteres) the guy had to go deep before finding a good supply.
So with that depth I am not sure if these pumps would handle the head.
As for Water needs..not a lot at the moment, as its only the 2 of us, and only on weekends.
But when SHTF, it could be 6 or more peopple (I have 4 grown children)
So am thinking of the wind towers, as a more permantent solution in the future
Just wanted a back system for now
9 May 2016, 17:58,
RE: borehole pump
thanks Devoinian....I think thats what I'm after...something to have in the shed as a backup.
I am sort of working on the basis that electricity might go out for short times at first, and If I see things getting close to SHTF (Trump!) then I would work towards a windmill.
9 May 2016, 18:12, (This post was last modified: 10 May 2016, 01:44 by Lightspeed.)
RE: borehole pump
Jo, I'm with Devonian on this.

To lift water from that depth of bore hole requires a pretty robust pump, drawing a good deal of power.

We have a 10m deep well and use a 750w mains powered pump for it. That would take a good deal of solar power generation and storage to run.

The hand pump that Dev linked is the better way to go, especially so with the additional adult contingent that may descend upon you. That sort of pump can lift water from 30m ( check spec of specific pumps) but drawing from that depth is pretty hard work. In itself the hard work is useful in making everyone aware of the precious nature of the water they consume.
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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
9 May 2016, 22:14,
RE: borehole pump
completely agree Lightspeed....
just looking at PVC pipe adapters so I can make a permanent standpipe alongside the well (As well as the electric pump that will remain in place)

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