(22 December 2011, 19:08)Skean Dhude Wrote: Double the rates and more people will be sucked into the welfare system.
It's them clutching at straws as they are dying.
The ONLY way a UK govt of any kind can deal with the ever declining numbers of tax payers, which is happening as mechanisation and automation, plus the further export of our manufacturing base to cheaper economies is for them to constantly increase the tax burdon on the remaining work force. Plus the inward numbers of benefit claiming migrants will compound the issue.
They HAVE to pay JCS, They HAVE to pay pensions, They HAVE to pay the Council Tax rebates, Sure Start benefit, child tax credits etc etc etc. BUT as every week goes by there are less and less wealth creators to pay the taxes needed. Ergo Income tax must rise to at least 50% NI must rise to at least 20 %, VAT will rise to at least 25%, Fuel duty will rise by at least another 50 pence a liter. They have no option.
Cos if they cut the benefit claimants and anarchists and socialists and trade unionists WILL riot. SOOOO the govt will try and cut the numbers of the most docile and benign of the public sector workers, IE Nurses and Cops, and that will feed the fuel of societal collapse.
And at some point the tipping point will be reached and it will all fall apart as it is in those US and Greek cities, and any Brits still living in the cities will be F***ed, simple as that.
Declinging manufacturing base = less workers = less tax payer
More automation means fewer workers needed = falling tax revenue = bigger dole bills
More migration of lower skilled foreigners = higher benefit bills
People living 20% longer = bigger state pension bills and bigger NHS costs
Excessive public sector pay and pension demands = higher state costs
New environmental laws means higher govt expenditure
Islamic fundamentalism and civil unrest = bigger policing bills.
Any way you care to look at it the numbers living OFF the state is rising and the numbers paying taxes is declining, the net end result is anarchy and chaos. Again city dwellers will suffer first and most.