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Full Version: New bat flu. Danger to humans unclear
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I'm starting to vear more towards the pandemic than I am societal collapse .
it'll be a pandemic, which will trigger a societal collapse!
Guatamala is a little distance away. The danger is the produce they may have left any flu residue on.

I don't think it'll be an issue.
You want to look more at the rat problem in the UK, or the rabies threat growing on the south of the UK, plus all the foreign nasty bugs moving into the UK, at the moment and feeling slightly smug at being way up north my concern is primarily buibonic and pneumonic plague. The UK rat population is rising fast and the public health and cleaning systems are falling apart in every large town and city in the UK. Following that untreatable TB is a major concern being brought into the UK by the immigrants who presence who enhances our culture. Then I fear some follower of Mohamed bring Hanta or Ebola into the UK.
I reckon that within DAYS not weeks of a collapse or major failing in untilities you will see a bloody massive wave of Typhus, Thyphoid and Cholera break out along with the common Delhi belly bugs that both us all the time.
i am more concerned with the HUMAN RAT population than i am about the animal kind, humans will bring in pandemic type infections because of the ease with which we can get from infected places in Africa to Heathrow, we know the border checks arent done or not done properly and they just stroll into our country, infecting everyone as the pass through.