Main noticeboard where all announcements about this forum, forum rules and general relevant news is displayed.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
RV and Meets
This is where to announce public rendevous, events and meets where we expect fellow preppers to go. Arrange to meet up or coordinate travel plans here. No private meets please, you can use PM for that.
113 2,120 The 18th annual "skills o...
15 December 2024, 10:02
by PowysMike
Forum Rules
Not many but you must follow these rules if you want to have an account here and post.
6 8 When answering a topic
4 July 2015, 11:37
by Scythe13
Introduce Yourself
If you want to introduce yourself then this is the place to do it. No compulsion only do it if you want to.
317 4,746 Hello
26 April 2024, 23:00
by Cymru Vet Prepper

An area for news and information articles.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Board News
Board relevant news for the moderators. Upgrades planned, forum changes or other relevant news which you should be aware of.
33 183 Board changed for 2023 - ...
16 November 2023, 17:54
by Skean Dhude
News that you may want to know about. Can be political, environmental or anything from world news or local to the UK but is relevant to survival prepping in the UK in some way. Do not include items that are not mainstream and seen as very controversial. Do provide a link to the article in the initial post.
1,260 12,572 Southport stabbing suspec...
20 January 2025, 23:53
by Sunna

Discussion Area
Main discussion area for all the survival and prepping topics.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Threats and Risks
Discussion on threats and risks that could effect us.
784 11,762 Can Europe survive on its...
5 hours ago
by Skean Dhude
Some scenarios or things to think about and discuss.
281 5,525 Great Reset scenarios pos...
28 September 2024, 12:38
by bigpaul
Bushcraft, Wilderness Survival and Camping related discussions. All you want to know about living in the wilds.
144 1,705 Tent, tarp or Bivvy
30 January 2025, 09:23
by bigpaul
Discussions and tips on clothing.
84 1,172 Screwfix
4 January 2025, 11:30
by bigpaul
Communications 253 2,893 Grid SMS
22 November 2024, 21:10
by Skean Dhude
Discussions on distilling.
Sub Forums:
19 169 Home Brewing
24 August 2022, 21:19
by Straight Shooter
Discussion on food, storage, preparation and recipes.
Sub Forums:
364 4,071 Food prices
20 January 2025, 13:36
by bigpaul
Food Production
Discussions on growing food.
132 1,168 Never do this.
30 May 2021, 08:55
by bigpaul
Discussions on keeping livestock for food or utility.
Sub Forums:
Food Animals,
Non Food Animals,
Utility Animals,
Multi Purpose Animals
77 919 For the Beekeepers
28 January 2025, 21:07
by Skean Dhude
Discussions on hunting for food.
Sub Forums:
Bows Sticks and Stones,
Hunting with Dogs,
General Hunting
380 5,311 Pigeons !
23 February 2024, 09:40
by bigpaul
Discussions on homestead and buildings related issues.
189 2,016 Utility Room
6 June 2024, 22:51
by Pete Grey
Medical 213 2,294 Travel ban as incurable v...
8 November 2024, 21:52
by Pete Grey
Discussions on navigational techniques.
29 345 Memory Maps
17 June 2021, 19:36
by Joe
Discussions on organising, planning and management techniques.
74 833 Survival Supply list
19 February 2024, 09:27
by bigpaul
Rebuilding Society
Discussions on anything to do with rebuilding a society. Everything and anything.
59 1,411 ORANIA community
1 December 2024, 14:55
by bigpaul
Discussions on all aspects of survival and prepping to do uniquely with children up to early teens.
18 211 Kids, and plenty of them
14 December 2021, 09:17
by bigpaul
Morals and Ethics
Discussions on the moral and ethical issues with survival and prepping.
68 1,381 Don't be afraid to speak ...
22 August 2024, 10:19
by Sunna
Discussions on power. The generation, transmission and storage of.
Sub Forums:
117 1,320 Electricity needs when th...
22 October 2024, 10:03
by bigpaul
Discussions on sanitation issues and techniques.
49 652 Grey Water Useage
24 August 2022, 20:35
by Pete Grey
Discussion on security techniques and issues. Including the legality of techniques prior to an event.
155 2,362 it was only a matter of t...
6 November 2024, 09:27
by bigpaul
Discussions on tools and techniques.
157 1,815 3" Nonlocking Folding Kni...
16 December 2024, 13:42
by Sunna
Discussions on ready made kits or suggestions for contents of kits to do with all aspects of survival and prepping.
143 1,715 EDC/GHB latest addition
17 November 2023, 20:22
by Pete Grey
Discussion on vehicles, fuel and their uses.
Sub Forums:
Bug Out,
168 2,305 PGs camper van
18 November 2024, 09:24
by bigpaul
Discussion on techniques and tips for the collection, processing and storage of water.
82 957 The gift ...that keeps on...
10 November 2024, 15:33
by Sunna
An Open Box
No forum on the subject you want to talk about? Don't worry, start one here and we will put it in the right place or start an appropriate forum as necessary. Pure survival related stuff though. Not open for general use.
2,218 29,309 What have done towards yo...
27 February 2025, 15:20
by bigpaul

Shopping Precinct
Looking to buy, sell or barter then use this area. Have recommendations or warnings about shops or products then post your comments here. Reviews of shops, books, videos etc. are also to go here.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Selling stuff
Sell your stuff here. It can be an item or services. Put it up with an honest and accurate description and if someone is interested they will contact you via a private message.
76 683 Survival Tins
20 October 2018, 16:56
by jaimy23
Swapping Stuff
Stuff you are looking at Swapping for something else besides cash.
7 56 Looking to start work exc...
15 March 2014, 21:47
by Strive
Wanting stuff
If you are looking for something then put in a request here. It can be an item, advice or help. If someone is willing to help then they can contact you via private message.
25 163 Shooting Permissions
15 December 2024, 00:54
by Skean Dhude
Shopping experiences
Give us some feedback on places and people to buy from. Good or bad reviews. Where are the best prices and where do you get good customer service?
45 280 Shopping in New Zealand
13 November 2021, 21:58
by Joe
Reviews of products, books, digital media etc.
Sub Forums:
Digital Media,
Web Sites
94 549 aldi twin tarpaulin
3 February 2025, 13:23
by Sunna

Projects we are working on.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Discussions on projects that you are working on. Maybe you want advice or want some actual help. Tell us what you are up to here.
57 737 compost and grow project
14 June 2016, 15:17
by use every space
User Experiences
Write and tell us about any real life experience you wish to share. Reviews in the review section please.
28 352 interesting expriences
22 December 2016, 18:18
by Barneyboy

Help & Feedback
Help and feedback for the Survival UK sites.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Suggestions for changes to any of the sites.
36 308 Forum Graphic Content War...
10 June 2014, 13:57
by Skean Dhude
Usage Help
I don't know how to do something and the Help tab at the top right does not help me.
32 243 How To post images & vide...
19 March 2022, 23:27
by Keith

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