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lol Truro.. It's crap there. I suppose it technically counts as a city because it has a cathedral.

Loooks like Poppy, Tarquil and Magnus will have a hard job adjusting.
(10 March 2012, 17:56)Carnebwen Wrote: [ -> ]lol Truro.. It's crap there. I suppose it technically counts as a city because it has a cathedral.

Loooks like Poppy, Tarquil and Magnus will have a hard job adjusting.

yeah, the real cornish have an attitude problem and they dont like incomers!
Because we can see what damage they are doing by killing villages, the countryside, they want there deli-shops, desinger shops etc. They are destroying the very thing that they wanted in the first place.
Yeah, we hate emmits.
(10 March 2012, 21:24)Carnebwen Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, we hate emmits.

yes, we do!
Joking aside there is I honestly believe a major cultural difference tween northerners and southerners, it could be based possible along the old Danegeld tribal lines perhaps, but the old analogy of Northerners work to live, but Southerners live to work. It translate generally to the north elects quality time with families ahead of careers and vice versa for the south. You see the arguments for both sides time after time, a northerner will be perplexed and baffled that a southern family will decide to have children then they at the earliest opportunity bang them into nursery pre school often as early as 6AM and not pick them up again until 7PM on the evening, with other slightly wealthier folks bundling infants off the boardsing school so the parents can get on with their careers. Whats the point in having kids if you are not going to spend every possible moment watching them grow and develop!!. Yeah I know theres other sides to the issue, but I came across a perfect example with one of my wifes colleagues. Both of them were doctors one a GP tother a SHO, they had three kids all under 9, They got a nanny to look after them because neither would cut back on their careers though the option was available to both. the nanny adored the kids, loved em to bits, she would do anything to make the kids happy, healthy and well balance.
The parents got rid of her after 2 years cos the youngest said to her parents " I wish Lucy was my mummy" and the other often refered to Lucy as their "propper mum". The kids got shipped off to a combined boarding and day school in the Dales where all three were miserable.

I find folks from the south west in general have the same family / community/ environment first mentality that dominates the north east, we too have have some serious negative influences from middle class south easterners moving into the area.
Thats humans for you again, some people make the mistake of saying thats just human nature for you, humans are like that they cant help how they behave. Well everybody has a choice in how they behave, being nice, kind or pleasant to folks takes effort, most people cant be bothered making any effort that doesnt give themselves some sort of gratification. "what help somebody and get nothing back!!!"
The look of shock on peoples faces if you give them something for nothing, just goes to show you how much human kindness is in short supply in this world.
I've lost count of how many jobs I've lost because I actualy did my job, whilst others did not, to be aproached with "slow down your making us look bad" or managers to sack me because they felt threatened because the area managers said I did a good job.

Most humans default settings are lazy, greedy, jealous, spiteful, nasty, ignorant....

Not all I must say, I've personally met some lovely people and spoken to a lot on here as well.

I find preppers and or survivalists if you prefer that term, are mostly "nice" people.
with default settings of Considerate, kind, helpful, etc...

Its like instant power gratification from the nuclear power stations with little or no regard to how dangerous or hard it will be in the future to sort the radioactive mess out.

Instead of years ago weaning us all off the need of power hungry consumer goods and building sustainable reliable and non dangerous power stations they built for the instant gratification and ststus that gave of being a nuclear power.

We want more electricity NOW but dont thik about the radioactive legacy we leave to our grand children.
What if we had some event that shut down all the nuclear power station cooling systems in the u.k. ? what if the back up systems stopped working? what have the government done just in case this happens? I'll tell you what they've done squat.
Sadly, it happened to the area I used to live years ago. In 3 years, the area became a dormitory. I left because I couldn't even afford to rent and I'm in the same position again now. I have to move soon because I can't afford the rent.
I'm gutted, I had just got the garden productive and secure. Berberis hedge is a top notch deterrent. Local farmers are nice chaps too.
I think the situations only going to get worse with rents etc... Landlords seen to want as much money as they casn get for mostly crap run down housing. They seen to prefer to have them empty than have somebody in there who looks after the place.
Tell me about it. At this rate, me and the cat will be wild camping. Wild? I'll be bloody furious!

TOF jnr has offered me his spare room until I find my feet again. It's going to be a shock. Nottingham is somewhat different to rural Northants. But I'm grateful he loves his mum enough to offer.
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