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Full Version: Debters prison
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Thought this was interesting.
I have always said it was hard to prep to go back in time and suffer, me thinks we are already there.
The Yanks have bigger prisons and more of them, can't see it happening here not on any great scale anyway, the prisons are full now thats why the little scroats are getting off with a slap on the wrist and community service instead of a well deserved prison sentence!
And yet people get away with millions in debt.

That particular women should be OK though. In jail for a mistaken debt. I smell compo.

Won't happen here like that. The Gov pays for prisons and wouldn't get any benefit from this. Now paying your council tax, Protection racket, etc. though and jail time for you.

Don't steal from the government. it doesn't like the competition.
yep, and dont think jail time squares the debt, IT DONT! you still owe the money when you come out!
Well again I did not make my point or what was swimming around in my head. Is there something else behind this???? like testing the waters. Could this lead to the ability to use this as a way to pick you up and keep you in their control???
Yes, I question everything. The probablity of my trusting anyone let alone those in charge is going to be questioned to the hilt.
No, one does not need to be in debt and should be responsible enough to pay, but seems that now a debt is turned over to the collector's before the bill is mailed to the house.

That is what the intent has always been. Work off your debt and feel happy we have not put you in prison.

We are your benevelant masters.