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Un sodding believable, Turkey has forced a Syrian aircraft loaded with Russian supplied munitions to land, The US 8th Fleet is flying agressive exercises of Iran, Hezbola has just admitted to sending drones over Israel, Hugo Chavez got relected and may sieze more oil companies.

So what do we get as main stories on the BBC and Sky?

The Bolshevik broadcasting company is focused on Jimmy Savilles Kiddy fiddling and SKY is reporting on the Rangers football clyub stock market floatation !!!!
What do you expect we are a nanny goverment our goverments has had its head stuck in the sand for a couple of decades they need lining up against a wall and ruddy shot
The powers that be have always had their way of masking what is really going on in the world

It used to be religion, now it is football and celebrity gossip

All the big news corps are controlled by a few influential entities, I do not expect them to tell you what is really going on

News Flash it has been for years personally I don't watch the news much as I don't know what to believe but what I believe is everything in this country is manipulated
If I want news I get it off here. Wink
I've just done the rounds on other news areas. From what i can gather this whole thing is of real concern. The Russian's are moving large amounts of troops into the Syrian area.

The more you read and the more you look at the output of our new channels the more you realise they are holding back. Lets keep up with this in our own way.

Feeling a bit FUD Fear Uncertainty Doubt.
I may not be on here much but I believe most of what I read here and I get more sense on here as well
If the sheeple think Sky News and the Beeb are giving them responsible news reporting no wonder 95% of the UK population have become dumbed down, Watchdog, Trisha, Big Brother, X rated Gay lesbians dancing on ice in the jungle out of here, Kardashians, Bieber, Glee, Its insane.
Thanks to everyone who post real news on here.
Bbc ten oclock news is brutal tonight. Showed an injured child then the childs legs after he died. No doubt it will get complaints,but glad they showed it,mabye wake a few people up.

Also mentioned the plane story above.
as i have said in past posts ( THE CONTROL OF THE FEW) they control what they want you to believe ....they guide us where they want to take us , they are scared shitless if we join up the dots.......people like US are joining the dots up and faster than they like BUT WHOM are the REAL they ?
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