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Full Version: Right you lot thinking caps on, ICEBERG HOUSE
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OK look closely at the plans and then fire up your brain cells and see what he is ACTUALLY building, and as a clue its got NOWT to do with social climbing, snobbery or being posh.

Swimming pool my arse, Ballroom my left foot.

Gyms, underground garages, huge storage space, Behind gates high walls,

Note the unspecified storage spaces under the "" Swimming pool"

Note concealed staircase to garden

Kitchen STORE,!!!

Conference room!!!

Wait do I see a flicker of light coming on in folks heads this fine sunny morning, White Flight, Iceberg Homes, Gated Communities,
To compound the article above I also give you this snippet as to another trend among the rich, Learn mes ami, LEARN.Smile
unless he's building a hotel, it seems odd. A hotel with parking for 3 cars that is!!!
yes, but at the end of the day both articles are about people living/staying in Londonistan, do you really want to live there after TSHTF/WROL, a palacial prison is still a prison!Big Grin
if it was up high and out the way...... i am now salivating .......... that would be my place nr ..... but nobody would know though.... must lsy down now.... thanks
lay down that is
(7 November 2012, 11:09)NorthernRaider Wrote: [ -> ]OK look closely at the plans and then fire up your brain cells and see what he is ACTUALLY building, and as a clue its got NOWT to do with social climbing, snobbery or being posh.

Swimming pool my arse, Ballroom my left foot.

Gyms, underground garages, huge storage space, Behind gates high walls,

Note the unspecified storage spaces under the "" Swimming pool"

Note concealed staircase to garden

Kitchen STORE,!!!

Conference room!!!

Wait do I see a flicker of light coming on in folks heads this fine sunny morning, White Flight, Iceberg Homes, Gated Communities,
To compound the article above I also give you this snippet as to another trend among the rich, Learn mes ami, LEARN.Smile

That's one helluva BOL, or should that be BIL? If I had the sort of money he's spending on it I would just buy Ballynure & evict everyone else.
There is a growing trend in our cities of the rich and successful either moving into gated secure communities, "baggering orf" entirely to more rural pastures, or creating Iceberg homes, the rich can see the cracks forming in our wonderful diverse, inclusive multi cultural socialist paradises and they are making enormous strides to insulate themselves from what is inevitably coming.

I read not so long back of ex SAS, Para recce Tp, SBS etc being hired and encouraged to move into rent free cottages ( with their own families) in secure gated communities to act as uber security for the rich residents.
If it is not obvious to observers that these folks are prepping, then it never will be.

I personally do not see why that guy has to build that in side of Londonistan.
Better to do that in a more rural location and have it be easier to defend.

Would be nice if we on here had that kind of cash. We would be sorted...:-)
Its handy O,Bama getting back in maybe he will get some use out of his new ?
(8 November 2012, 00:44)Mandlaka Wrote: [ -> ]If it is not obvious to observers that these folks are prepping, then it never will be.

I personally do not see why that guy has to build that in side of Londonistan.
Better to do that in a more rural location and have it be easier to defend.

Would be nice if we on here had that kind of cash. We would be sorted...:-)

If he is that rich you can be sure thats just his London base and he will prolly have another place out of town.
Very true, that, Sir NR.

Very true indeed.
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