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any thoughts on dec 2012.
we are all preping for some thing?
something must have got us thinking differently from other people. flicked that switch in are heads ?
for me it started when i was little learning about ww2 and what happened to the jews, from then on the switch was flicked nearly 30 years ago.
since finding this site i now know i,am not mad there are others like meRolleyes
You are absolutely right. The worry about 2012 is the number of prophecies that predict TEOTWAWKI. One of the predictions that most people do not know about, is the prediction by St. Malachy, that this Pope is the last Pope! Whether all of the predictions are correct or not, it does not matter. What matters is the fact that we are preparing in case it happens. Even if it does not happen we will be better off. We will have stored food and other products at a fraction of the price that it will be selling at, at that future time. Kenneth Eames.Smile
I have no idea if 2012 is the end or not. It was 2000 at one point and before that it was something else.

As Ken says. We prepare for what we think may happen. 2012 is just another thing to plan for. At the very worst we will be as prepared as we can be and at the least we will have a stock of food and services which will save us money.
There are two 'cosmological' concerns for 2012.
A solar flare 'aimed' exactly at the earth and damaging the power and communication infrastructure of the world is a real one, although I rank the probability at less than 10%.
The "we're going to be aligned with the centre of the galaxy" is scientifically flawed. Firstly we can't tell exactly when we'll be aligned within about 100 years and secondly we would already be experiencing 99.999% of any gravitational effect from being aligned. I'm more concerned about being hit by an asteroid as I type this.
I hadn't heard about the galactic alignment but I would agree with your conclusion.

The solar flare one is a ongoing issue and is already being considered as a serious risk under an EMP attack.

I though 2012 was some sort of religious event.
the mayan,s calander also ends in 2012 but the world will never end for a long time we might go but earth will stay.
it was also predicted this pope the last pope would be german
Interesting. Did Germany exist back in ye olde days of predictions

I have difficulty with basing things on the Mayan calendar ending in 2012. They had to stop somewhere and I would envisage that they sat back and thought 3000 years should cover it for now. If our species survives someone will pick it up and document some more. Should we leave a note?
thats what i thought but who knows?
With current technology the Mett Office can't even accurately predict the weather 3 days in advance.
Why on earth would anyone believe that a primitive culture could (accurately) predict the end of the earth 3000 years in advance? (and one year in advance we can't see it coming, if there was a red dwarf in deep elliptical orbit with the sun or something that *might* be predictable long in advance but it would be close enough by now for us to detect it).
Lost technology from an unknown advanced species or aliens with advanced technology. There could be reasons. Why should we be the peak of technology on the planet?

Although I agree with you regarding the red dwarf. As pointed out we would be seeing it or feeling the effects by now.
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