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Full Version: favorite self defense move, no weapons
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Clap cupped hands across the opponants ears, bursts the ear drums.

Jab three stiff fingers into the windpipe or eye in a short sharp stabbing action.

Drive elbow in short hard stabbing action into the space on their backs tween the should blades.

Kick hard to side of opponants knee,

if your opponant grabs your arms always turn against his thumbs , thumbs have no strength and you can always break away

Flat palm of your hand driven up hard and fast under base of the babbies jaw


But the objective is really not to let your opponant inside your personal space in the first place, dont let them get within an arms length of you.

You leg is strong than his arm and has greater reach, if he is approaching aggresively turn slightly to your side and kick his knee , knackers or what ever you can damage.

Once he is inside your personal space he is getting the advantage thats when the nail file, boot knife, brolly, key chain, scissors, etc come into play.
That move looks very similiar to a krav maga drill.
Another one is to put your hands in their face whilst talking, then thumbs into their eyes. Slip one hand around the back of their head and try to connect your elbow with the palm of that hand. This is good because in a real fight you might be scared / have your eyes closed, so you can do this regardless. Finish off with knee to the torso.
knee to the groin or an elbow to the nose normally has a lasting effect
Run like fuckAngel
i don't beleive there is a favourite self defence "move"

every situation is different, i did a wee bit of martial arts as a youngster, you learn a lot of "moves", but it normally all goes to pot when sparring.

even worse in a street fight.

Kick to the groin can be very effective though.
"bu -ji" flying fingers ,that's 2 fingers from one hand in each eyeball (jeet-kune-do/bruce lee) followed by either a forearm or elbow smash to the nose area.........a double handed ear clap (as NR mentioned) hard as you can ..once they holding their head/ears area a hard as fuck toe kick in the bollocks ...once they drop to their knees...and partially blinded go behind them and twist their neck all the way round like a fucking owls(listening for a clicking noise) after that they may have got the message..! ? if not then execute the said person with your crossbow .....remembering to retrieve the bolt...or if you don't like the head twister move a hard stamp/kick to the solar plexus/breast bone area.!
stomp kick to knee/side of knee they will fall down/front of knee full force break leg
poke in eye eazy works well
The best ive always done in a fight is when ive boxed (or near as when i'm pissed), for me it seems to be the easiest, as you don't really have to think about it. Learned alot from my time on Traveller sites, some of them are the hardest guys ive ever met so well worth learning from.
hands either side of the others throat, thumbs on the adams apple and push! hard and fast!Angel
I'm sorry Debbie but I'm finding it really difficult to picture how you can go from stance 1 (the surrender,) into stance 2 (the strike,) without telegraphing it (letting your assailant know what's coming). As well as repositioning your hand and arm, you would also have to step forward into your attacker to deliver the strike at the right angle. Both could be done effectively but you did say you weren't very fast.

There have been a couple of posts (I think,) suggesting the place to aim for was the knees. I think that, with a little practice, you could become reasonably confident about putting down an assailant, leaving you then with a choice of fleeing or finishing the job. I was once proficient at Taekwondo in a previous life but now, being disabled, that would be my method of choice.
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