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I don't know if this is the right (sub)section but
does anyone know of a source of good gas masks including protection from Sarin and other organo-phosphates?

don't want an ex WWII rust bucket or early Cold War item.

At the same time I don't have lots of cash

depends how far you want to prep I suppose, I've got MEDICAL masks and gloves for pandemics and stuff, but Sarin gas? I wouldn't have thought that was an issue in a small village in East Anglia or a small town in Devon, more of a CITY thing for maximum exposure I would surmise.
with Sarin and other such nerve agents although a decent gas mask will help
it is also necessary to have a cbrn suit as well as they can be absorbed through the
skin these a commonly called Noddy suits are bloody uncomfortable restrict your movement
and will retain the heat.But they may save your life
Military surplus stores are a good place to start
Not sure if an S10 mask and filters would do the trick?
They were part of the original NBC kit which were chemical and biological and nuclear.
Carbon lined jacket and trousers and then washable cotton inner gloves and thick black rubber gloves over the top.
Then over the top of the NBC chemical suit you wear a waterproof.
The NBC kit is still issued and the masks have been in service since the early 80's and are just being faded out of service for the new issue masks which offer better visibility.
So the S10 masks are going cheap, £10-£15 each
The filters are good for 6 days use if used 24 hours a day. £5-£8 each.
NBC suits are about £10-£15 each. (try to get the ones still in the vacuum packed, because the carbon degrades with contact to the air)
Iv picked up NBC suits up from the carboot for £3.
Also had gloves for £1 and decontamination powder kits for a £1 but you need to know how to use them.
S10 masks come in sizes 1-4, Size 1 being the largest, Size to is the most common size issued. Size 4 will fit an average 10 years old child.
The size is found inside the face of the mask moulded into the rubber.
The decontamination powders are for the gloves and mask.
You can use any thick waterproof over the top of the NBC suits.
The army usually just use there poncho and sometimes disposable waterproofs.
I dont see any other suit offering that sort of protection and on a budget price.
I got mine shopping around iv got all of us full NBC kit for £20 per person.
I just need to stock up on more filters.
I have normal Covaflu medical masks and medical gloves for EDC in the car and van. Eye protection is just a pair of wrap around sports glasses.
My NBC kit sits at the bottom of the warbrobe if needed.
the s10 will do and you can now pick them up for £20 to £30 due to the fact the its now being replaced with the G.S.R
(24 August 2013, 10:36)River Song Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know if this is the right (sub)section but
does anyone know of a source of good gas masks including protection from Sarin and other organo-phosphates?

don't want an ex WWII rust bucket or early Cold War item.

At the same time I don't have lots of cash

Take SPECIAL note of what Millwall Dave is saying, Sarin, Tabun etc are nerve agents that pass through the skin as fast as they do via being inhaled. You need complete NBC / MOP suits with either totally impermiable outers (PVC) or activated charcoal absorbant outers. If you are going the whole hog you will need puffer bottles of fullers earth and atropine pens, rubber boots and gloves as well as modern new RESPIRATORS ( not gas masks) and the important bit if whicch type of 40mm filter canister you fit because there are dozens of types and only a few absorb and nulify nerve agents.

BFG is also on the money just remember that filter elements and NBC suits react immediately to the air, so if you are buying NBC suits or new 40mm filter canisters you need to buy them still sealed and vaccuum packed in double layers of polythene (nbc suit) and in sealed packets for the filter elements.

WHY do you need sealed packs ?

Cos Activated charcoal is weird it starts absorbing any and all nastys from the air as soon as it is exposed, it does NOT neutralise it in the commonest sense it basically traps it in the micro porous microscopic structure or the charcoal, so suits and canisters stored in opened packets will become useless in a few weeks. It also has one awkward side effect as well some nasty chemical or bio agents that are absorbed by the suits / canisters are released when the charcoal becomes saturated.
Not all good gas masks are military. They are also items used in industry, especially the paint and chemical industry, and by the civil units, like fire brigades, first responders.

I have found that here in the States I can get NEW industrial units at lower cost than military and the new units are approved by FEMA/OHSA while the surplus military is almost always questionable.

Those same suppliers also carry new filters for the NATO standard thread pattern and adapters to convert the Soviet threads to NATO.

Those filters are up to the new standards and update old masks still in use by civil defense. They would work fine for CS gas and smoke, which is the greatest threat anywhere. As was stated above, most filters begin to degrade when opened, so one must operate on faith that the product is sound when taken from the package since one can not test, then put away for latter use.

I am sure there is no use me posting links since the shipping would be prohibitive and you can probably get the same from suppliers over there.
Although needing gas masks and full NBC suits is one of the last things I would expect, as a preper, I do have both.

The suit/gloves/overboots are UK military, simply because I know it well, my masks are Finnish Military both easily obtained off Ebay, please make sure that you purchase masks with SEALED filters

Of course I also have standard rubber gloves and 1870 Respirator and surgical Masks purchased from the U.S