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Full Version: very interesting article regarding our banking system
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Just found this and found it very thought provoking.
I personally am going to part handle this situation by having a lot of cash in backup for this type of event happening again, seeing how we just narrowly avoided complete shut down.
I always have an "emergency fund" to hand probably enough for a month of normal spending.
So at the very least we can draw from this article is that we'd possibly have a curfew and troops on the streets, however thinly stretched they may be.
they would get old coppers,army ,security guards and make a new crontrol force .
do you think they havent planned for this sort of thing.
Taken AII of my money out months ago, wifey has still got her bit in there ,.....for now, but that will be out within the next 2 weeks.......if. you can,t hold it in your hands.....its not yours....stolen from gerald celenti . Paper money will only be good two weeks max.......if even that

Reasons to be happy and positive .....part A1
Don't keep any more money in the bank than you can afford to lose!
Dead right Jonas, the more the news guy tells us we are on the way back ..the more we take out.