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Full Version: H5N1 is back again
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I don't think it ever went away.

Good on the scientists in the Netherlands they have now managed to bottle Armageddon, what a wonderful thing to leave their kids and grandkids.

And yes for the greater good blah blah, leave well alone tbh.
I was listening to the radio and isn't there a slight variant. Lucky for us all those vaccines are still around. Smile
I saw a documentary that the h5n1 was geneticaly engineerid in a chemical warefare unit, not portadown but one like it, for depopulating areas but leaving them undamaged. One foreign scientist as caught at U.S. customs bringing h5n1 AND Ebola in... can you imagine the flu virus mated with Ebola.... I used to be dubious about the N.W.O. and its depopulation plans, but it looks like thats what the overlords are after with a small percentage left to be slaves... Also take care with your files on your computers, seen a report again of somebody disapeared again just today for having material on his pc likely to be of use to a terrorist ...
Ebola ziare and Ebola niger are both 99% lethal AND untreatable, you cant innoculate against it. if they released in large scale it would end up like the storyline in THE STAND.
there's another one ebola gov it's fatal and untreatable at the moment
it's where you blood money from every where for the goverment?
that should read bleed money
god i should go to bed sooner
I get that... It's where one of your fingers thinks it's a lot smarter than all the others and types faster than the rest of them...
"I am dyslexia of Borg, futility is resistant, your a$$ will be laminated. "

"My dog its full of rats!" 2001 a dyslecsics Odessy