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"The Authorities are a Fifth Column".
Have to agree with that one - make everything more complicated than it needs to actually be - almost a definition of politics.
no I don't agree, if TPTB use all the powers of the state against us or anyone who might survive an event I think we are pretty much stuffed before we even start. I'm preparing for a full collapse of everything, that includes "the system" and a full WROL, societal collapse and a large die off, what remains of the government, if any at all, will bugger off down into their bunkers under Whitehall, where they will wither and die, hopefully to never be heard of again.
what remains of the government, if any at all, will bugger off down into their bunkers under Whitehall, where they will wither and die, hopefully to never be heard of again.

I doubt it BP ! ....but there,s always hope....imagine a film being made of that lot fighting for survival out in the woods on their own.....short film ! could not talk your way out of that scenario ...and no bacon sarnies !
SS me old mucker, most of that lot in Westminster couldn't find Devon ,or Wales for that matter, with both hands if their lives depended on it, and as for them surviving in the woods..well that's a laugh, they'd last about 5 minutes without butlers and caterers and other lackeys...don't forget none of them live in the real world and most have never had a real job.
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