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Full Version: New Tent
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check this out SS:
Wow, this thread has drifted haha.

Back at the original post…

Looks good MB. Only issue, it's very high standing. How do you see that working out if you need to lay low?
I don't "lay low". I set up the camp as bait and wait nearby in the woods, shoot the intruders and take their stuff!

Really though, this is recreational, so I am not worried about camouflage or visibility. I bought this one because it is a full 6' tall and I can stand in it. This is about tent number 50 so I have other smaller units to choose from for other needs.

I am already "bugged out" and living as primitively as I hope to ever get (I say while sitting here under the AC with the TV on) so my "bug out gear" is for going back to civilization if I have to leave the BOL due to chemical spill evacuation, weather damage, or local systems failures. Change of clothes and a credit card.

The only time I consider the "bug out" thing is for an imaginary scenario. It's fun because so few people really know what they are talking about when facing a tactical "bug out" situation and they simply refuse to face the facts.
The new tent arrived a couple of days ago but I have been a bit under the weather and have not felt like wrestling with it on a first time basis.

Feeling better today I managed to get the poles together, the nylon stretched and the whole thing standing.

[Image: DSCF1341_zpsxzwquyed.jpg]

[Image: DSCF1339_zpspylxa56g.jpg]
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