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Full Version: Nuclear Reactor Cracks
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How many sacred cows walking on treadmills does it take to generate a Kw?

How much food will the cows eat?

If you don't slaughter the cows for meat, but only digest their manure and compost their carcasses, how many Kw/hours can be geneated per cow?

If we cremated human bodies to generate electricity what is the generating capacity of the developing world?

Maybe nuclear isn't so bad?
If you want to know how bad nuclear is just take a trip over to Japan and have a wander around Fukushima and you might get an idea just how bad idea it is.
Have to agree that nuclear is dirty - overall. And not really that cheap either.
However I do think that progress is being made with regard to clean harnessing and more efficient storage of energy/electricity inso far as individuals and families could become self sufficient.
Sadly it is a wait and see game.
that'll never happen, people being self sufficient in power I mean, the power companies would see to that.
I agree that the power companies would be concerned if many people decided to be self sufficient and live 'off grid' as it were - no one likes to lose business/customers. What we are talking about is 'progress' and the power companies like to have you believe that the grid is the only option - when in fact it is possible to live without them even today. It might not be as convenient as the grid but it would be your own supply/conversion and not theirs. You do have a choice. In fact it could be argued that thanks to the Bankers and the original supply companies of old that the education of the masses has been held back so that they could line their pockets.
I've recently had a grid tied solar system put in, domestic sized storage is on it's way for about the £3,000 figure and I could have bought an upgrade ready inverter for £500 or so, but could not get comfermation that I would be able to run my house electrics from it if the grid went down, if it where off grid there would be no problem. I still rely on a geney for emergency back up to keep the essentials going.
They realy don't like the idea of anyone having power if you are grid tied and the grid goes down.
(23 November 2015, 17:12)T-oddity Wrote: [ -> ]They realy don't like the idea of anyone having power if you are grid tied and the grid goes down.

That is actually for safety reasons, as you could end up electrocuting the linesmen/engineers working on the network to restore your power. If you are off-grid, it's obviously not a problem, but if you are feeding into the grid it's different.
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