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Full Version: What would happen if humans disappeared?
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I would be happy ,haha
It looks like Middlesbrough on a wet weekend in March
After the planet had recovered from the nuclear fallout caused by hundreds of reactors going critical the world would simply keep evolving, and nothing would mourn our passing. The cities would make great habitat for a range of birds and animals. 99% of all animals known to have existed have become extinct, we might buck that trend, then again maybe not, only time will tell.
TH most of the reactors would not melt down mate, some probably will be all of the better designed ones ave huge fail safe systems. I think they are called SCRAM systems and they fail SAFE IE the Carbon rods used to control the reaction automatically get rammed home if the power supplies fail or the water temp rises above a safe limit, so they will still be radioactive for decades in the reactor cores but you wont get a Chernobyl or Three Mile Island event. Still would not want to live near one though!
Barney, Unless you are trying to tell us something then I suspect that you won't be happy at all.

Depends how quickly we go but regardless in 1000 years nothing will remain of us except for junk on the moon and other space debris.

Oh and my tax bill.
I just had a BP moment
love it, a socialist who is anti social Smile
I hate all people equally
Ah like me then? an equal opportunities bigot Smile I hate everyone equally Smile
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