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Full Version: well thats scary !
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Not really, its just rehashed old news and ideas. Do you honestly think the USA would not launch or have launched in the last forty years if they REALLY felt to be under threat?
Ali, everything offered as "news" on the internet is not from reliable sources.

You have the habit of linking to some really squirrely websites.

What you have linked to is a radical blog offered by one individual sitting in his boxer shorts in his mothers basement hiding from the student loan debt collectors.

The "source" is a psychological warfare officer of unknown fame, training or sensibility who might be anything from a 22 year old 2nd Lt to a Major General, or the figment of the blogger's imagination, we do not know.
Ali, you're right on the money. I've gotten this same information from some very reliable and well-placed sources. The theory is that Obozo wants to be "president-for-life". What better way to do it than start a war, declare martial law, and cancel the scheduled elections?

This is once when I hope that we're both wrong!
It is odd though.....ALL planets in our solar system are heating up ....some say ...most say its a reaction to a large body ...brown dwarf ? incoming and disturbing orbits of our neighbours even the distant neighbours, so we cannot just ignore this stuff....TPTB will hardly tell you if true.....this would be told with enough notice for them to take cover in their well stocked bunkers....just enough time for us all to point our ass at the incoming and fart enough to alter its trajectory....soooooooo eat ALL your Branston Baked Beans know it makes sense.