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Full Version: What do you really worry about...if anything ?
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I agree MB .....but its not about ME ! its about the fifteen other family members I / WE are prepping for........because they DO NOT .

I am under NO illusions of my fate .....but i will not go quietly either meds or no meds when your number is up its up although i am in no hurry to give up my life is just a prelude for death but i'm no cavalier.

I am not in the least bit worried about nuclear war i could care less what would be the point as you point out ....its out there and i doubt the genie could ever be returned to the bottle, i merely point out the strength of WHAT the USA and RUSSIA HAVE AND HOLD RIGHT NOW ! along with what bargain basement derivative the UK has China, India , Pakistan ...who really gives a shit in the end over is game over any event wars a fought for Money paid for with Money produce even more f.....g money is the common factor to own stuff you cannot get away from the Stuff the more you get the more you need or want and the moment you have enough you move on up to control of this or that and when you achieve the this or that you keep on moving up to even more this or that's ......anything can and is bought everyone has a price even if its your very soul just take a look at any politician rags to millions in less than five years ....How is this possible on say a prime ministers pay or a presidents pay ? the best bit is no one gives or cares a f..k ......NOW that worries me plenty MB...shed some divine light on that for me ole son.
Sorry SS but analysis of all that is above my pay grade.

And is the reason I only worry about weather induced disasters.
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