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Full Version: Beginners HF Radio
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So if you are a complete newbie to radio the last thing you want to do is spend thousands on a radio just to learn the basics. But what if you could control a high end rig remotely without having to spend a penny.
You could be listening into Ham 80m communications at night using lower sideband or you could be tuning through the marine band listening to someone on route to the rigs.
Now if you click on this link it takes you to a very good remote rig and it's an amazing starting point for anyone new to radio.

For the more experienced operator with years of experience then this remote operation is actually amazing for checking out your system, you can quickly check your own transmission 500 miles away (or a few thousand) and it lets you know instantly how you are making the trip.

So if you have never used an HF radio have a click on the link and spend a few minutes learning how to work the radio, if there's anything you want to know then post a question. The skills you learn can easily be transfered to using proper high end comms kit eg Military, commercial etc.
Good Idea Joe,

A free way to listen to the ham bands

80m and 40m bands will be best for hearing UK stations. On both select LSB to be able to hear the spoken transmissions. Careful tuning is required otherwise everything sounds very Donald Duck!