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I spend a good deal of time on projects and as I work I enjoy having various music and sometimes landscape videos going on the TV.

You Brits have some good channels of various types and one of them is some bloke with a go-pro riding the buss from town to town. He sits up there in the front top level and gets some really nice scenery of your country lanes and landscape.

In the course of watching these films I have discovered the single class of people that are probably the most rude individuals the world has ever known.

I hate to say it, but they are British bicycle riders!

On almost every trip I watch there is a person on a bicycle blocking the roadway doing 6 MPH in a 45, sometimes 6MPH in a 70!. They refuse to yield, move out of the way, or take any stab at human courtesy. Traffic laws do not apply to them and neither do stop lights or pedestrian rights. That road is theirs and you have no right to expect them to get their push bike out of the way.

Just now I watched a bike rider on a dual carriageway move from lane to lane blocking traffic purposely, and a bus at that.

I noticed it immediately due to knowing that mopeds are not allowed on dual carriageways but apparently push bikes are?

Their lives would not be worth the greasy spot they would leave on the roads I drive. One of the local SUV drivers would knock then over the next ditch so far they would not be found until someone saw the buzzards circling.
new laws have been introduced, now drivers have to give priority to bicycle riders and even pedestrians, crazy or what?
Yes it’s bloody crazy ! But there again everything is going crazy these days’s all upside down .....common sense has been abducted ....most things now ....make no sense at all ! .
my friend, common sense isnt common anymore, in fact I dont think it exists anymore, not in the common human herd at least, they have to be told what to do by TPTB, people are just stupid.
I’ll tell you the arrogant road users in UK : bloody Audi drivers!
havent seen many Audi's down this way, the main offenders down here are the "Chelsea Tractors" type of vehicles, bloody great things but they dont know how to drive on country roads, there okay on motorways but a flaming nuisance on country roads, I dont even mean the country lanes just the ordinary main roads, followed one on Sunday, 35MPH all the way 13 mile journey to the car boot, very few overtaking stretches on a single lane road.