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Full Version: W h o ...bird flu warnings
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(27 April 2024, 14:55)Sunna Wrote: [ -> ]

If it can infect cows what farm food next...

That article mentions PCR test, me cynical but how can we trust anything that these so called health experts say? Is bird flu even a real thing or just an excuse to kill off many animals? Like with all these other food proccesing factories that have gone up in smoke, they really want to control the food chain it seems.
One of my favorite comedians, an old video but the points raised are so true, how do we know what's real?

Yes the fake meat industry is now in full swing local farmers in my area have not raised cows for meat or milk for sometime one local farmer told me that his sons now focus on breeding and showing their livestock.

Meat will become less easy to get and much more expensive...not that I eat much anymore twice a week and always chicken.
I prefer game meat when I can get it plus Pork and Chicken, I like Mutton but I've gone right off Beef.
The one you really shouldn't eat is Chicken
as for fish, Salmon from anywhere in the UK isn't good.
Chicken? That is my favourite meat. Is there anything now safe for us?
there was a bird flu scare last year and all poultry had to be kept indoors, it was the wild bird population that had the bird flu and commercial stocks had to be protected, that rule has been lifted a long time ago and supplies are back to normal.
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