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Darwinism at work in UK today - Printable Version

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Darwinism at work in UK today - NorthernRaider - 30 March 2012

Darwinism is alive and well in the UK

We need to ban petrol, diesel, parafin, butane, propane, map gas, patio gas, anything pointy and sharp etc because it is clear the average briton of today is just to stupid to live.

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - mikebratcher69 - 30 March 2012

The government love idiots like this, they dont even need to put more restrictions on us by force, these idiots see to that.
It'll be too dangerous for most of them to walk anywhere soon with the ammount that cross the road in front of me without even looking.
How theyve managed to live so long I dont know.

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - Skean Dhude - 30 March 2012

Which is why they will be wiped out when the government doesn't do everything for them and they then start to threaten people like us with no Plod to go crying to.

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - bigpaul - 30 March 2012

sheeple make me laugh with their "the govt will provide" & "nothing will happen-the govt said so"!

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - Reality Jones - 30 March 2012

What kind of a retard pours petrol into a jug while cooking dinner? £50.00 says she was probably 'avin' a faaag' at the same time.
The stupidity of humanity is beyond comprehension sometimes.
Anyone messing about with petrol near a naked flame deserves to be set on fire!

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - NorthernRaider - 30 March 2012

Evolution at work doncha think?

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - mikebratcher69 - 30 March 2012

(30 March 2012, 15:58)NorthernRaider Wrote: Evolution at work doncha think?

Shame it cant work any faster...

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - bigpaul - 30 March 2012

i think Evolution is going backwards! especially when you see some of the knuckle dragging retards.

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - Skean Dhude - 30 March 2012

Evelution is still going fine. It works in other parts of the world but here we legislate to make it so the dumb live to the detriment of the rest of our species. It's a hiccup. It can't last and then they will have to make the most of it.

RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - Kenneth Eames - 1 April 2012

Even if the 2012 prophecies are wrong, it cannot be many more years before Survival is a necessity. The way that idiots are being bred is amazing. I often look out of the window and see youths behaving like madmen destroying their environment. They destroy trees, pull brick walls down, destroy buildings that are empty, etc., etc.. It seems that many are brainless, being unable in many cases, to be able to speak coherently, or read or write. Kenneth Eames.