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Time for AU and AG - Scythe13 - 10 May 2012

Hi Everyone

As we all know, the world is enjoying a financial collapse and everything is going nuts!!!

With all this going on right now, many people are getting uneasy and don't know what's going on with their money. Well, the blunt of the answer is, it's losing value!

Whether this current financial collapse will be live the Great Depression at the start of the century, or whether it'll be a massive social collapse and will lead to civil-war-2 or WW£ (WW3), is unknown.

What I do know, during both those times in the past, gold and silver were great stores of wealth and allowed people to benefit from the financial upheaval.

So, I'm making a quick note that many people are currently investing in Gold and Silver. The real jump in wealth will be when the sheeple jump on the bandwagon! That's when to sell and reap the rewards!!!

Really, what this means is that, if you're looking to enhance your position in society after the collapse, or even if the 'collapse' doesn't even happen and it's just another depression that becomes uneventful as a social explosion, then now is a good time to invest.

RE: Time for AU and AG - Skean Dhude - 10 May 2012

That was then. Now we need solid infrastructure to feed us. Before people were pretty self reliant and the infrastructure not so fragile. So when it collapsed it went back a bit. Now we are already discussing starvation and die offs.

Gold and Silver can't be eaten and will only be OK if we don't have a full collapse. I'm sticking to my foodstuffs and tools. I'll have a couple of dental kits to barter for a bar of gold when they break their teeth trying to eat their gold bars.

RE: Time for AU and AG - bigpaul - 10 May 2012

its not my sort of thing but, the time to BUY gold(and silver) is when the price is LOW, and the time to SELL is when the price is HIGH, at the moment everyone is selling their scrap gold as the price is high. like SD says, in a total societal collapse you cant eat gold or silver so it will be pretty worthless( think of the guy in the original SURVIVORS with the case of paper money...all it was fit for was lighting a fire).

RE: Time for AU and AG - TOF - 10 May 2012

Oh Poo! I had just typed a reply as BP did, and now it's vanished into the ether. However, it was pretty much the same as BP's!

RE: Time for AU and AG - Scythe13 - 10 May 2012

That's a fair point BP. Everyone is selling their gold and sheep. Can you recall a time when the flock was right? There are thousands of examples of the flock being wrong. Now is the time to buy. Yes it is more expensive than a year ago, but it's very cheap in comparrison to where it will be by 2015!!! The greatest transfer of wealth is going to happen, if the whole world doesn't collapse. I'm hedging my bets. If the world collapses, I have my 'usual prepper' items ready. However, if the whole world doesn't collapse, then the wealth transfer will be enormous!!! Either way, I'm covered.

Gold and Silver cannot be eaten. "We are far detached from where our food comes from" and "We're a global market/economy now" don't forget the classic "It's different this time." These are all things that people were saying last time we had a depression. If these things unravel, the same as they have for the last 5000 years, yes food and the alike is massively vital, but a transfer of wealth will come in the form of those holding gold and silver.

If you want to hedge and grow, AU or AG. If the collapse doesn't happen in the next few years, gold and silver will make you much richer! However, if you want to vanish (I know you do BP) then I'd recommend keeping the 'usual prepper' items.

RE: Time for AU and AG - 00111001 - 10 May 2012

True, you can't eat silver or gold. BUT you can use silver to keep your milk fresh Smile

RE: Time for AU and AG - bigpaul - 10 May 2012

(10 May 2012, 14:00)00111001 Wrote: True, you can't eat silver or gold. BUT you can use silver to keep your milk fresh Smile
what ever happened to GOLD top??Big Grin

RE: Time for AU and AG - 00111001 - 10 May 2012

(10 May 2012, 14:08)bigpaul Wrote:
(10 May 2012, 14:00)00111001 Wrote: True, you can't eat silver or gold. BUT you can use silver to keep your milk fresh Smile
what ever happened to GOLD top??Big Grin

She's still about Smile

RE: Time for AU and AG - Jan - 10 May 2012

Interesting, how does silver keep milk fresh?

RE: Time for AU and AG - Bucket - 10 May 2012

(10 May 2012, 16:43)Jan Wrote: Interesting, how does silver keep milk fresh?

Bacteria absorb the silver atoms thinking they are something else, and bugger up their internal mechanisms.