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How to protect what you have ? - Printable Version

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How to protect what you have ? - Colin - 24 June 2012

Hi ,I'm new here. I have been looking into all this survival stuff and how to survive.
Firstly I think its important to think of how the masses who have not preped will react without food over a long period of time.
If you watch the film "ALIVE" which is a true story of a group of rugby players stranded with no food after a plain crash. After only 20 days or so they was eating the dead, and this is fact.
This raises the question of what 60 od million people who have no food would resort to in order to survive.
I have come to the conclusion that its no good growing crops or raising chickens.
If these people see that you have items that they don't have and they need how will you stop them from simply taking what you have?
You may stop the first few raiding parties but as they become more desperate and hungry they will become even more deadly. And we are talking about thousands of hungry people looking at what you have.
Its ok going to the more isolated areas ,but 60 million others who are desperate and some will be organised will soon look to every location however remote.
I feel that the only way to survive is in organised groups.
How else will you fight off the masses !

RE: How to protect what you have ? - Skean Dhude - 24 June 2012

Most of us are looking at going of the grid and hiding. Stock up on food so you don't need to grow any and stay low. The hordes won't be able to examine every square foot of land. of course that is no guarantee.

RE: How to protect what you have ? - Barneyboy - 24 June 2012

hello and welcome my friend i think you are right about growing food if shtf fast but not sure it will i think it will happen slowly so growing food will become a problem but not stright away we must not forget that the good eatting will keep us well and strong and that will help us in the long run

RE: How to protect what you have ? - NorthernRaider - 24 June 2012

(24 June 2012, 18:41)Colin Wrote: I feel that the only way to survive is in organised groups.
How else will you fight off the masses !

By hiding and caching and stockpiling and having mututal support agreesments with other survivalists and by not being drawn into groups with all their associated problems.

RE: How to protect what you have ? - Kenneth Eames - 25 June 2012

Colin, Read this site and Forum material thoroughly. Add, readings from many other survival sites. Sit and think about what you have read. You will probably have a far different view of survival then. Then, sit down with an Exercise book and figure out what you can do. How much food to put by, etc., etc.. Think about caching food underground for a start and digging it up in the night when necessary. Kenneth Eames.

RE: How to protect what you have ? - Tibbs735 - 25 June 2012

My ideal scenario would be to keep a very low profile, with around three years of stored food. That way you can concentrate on security and not worry about getting ambushed, or your animals or farms being seen, for 2 years. You let 2 harsh winters out of doors with no electricity, heating, or other infrastructure kill off all the majority of the refugees /looters / raiders, and keep the remainder as a backup in case of a really bad harvest.
Also, get creative with food storage and hiding, so even if people poke around "that greedy hoarder's house" you can pretend you are just as bad as everybody else.

RE: How to protect what you have ? - Skean Dhude - 25 June 2012


We are thinking along the same lines. However, I have found no sure way of hiding the livestock. They are noisy, dirty and take a lot of food. How are you covering that?

RE: How to protect what you have ? - NorthernRaider - 25 June 2012

(25 June 2012, 10:28)Skean Dhude Wrote: Tibbs,

We are thinking along the same lines. However, I have found no sure way of hiding the livestock. They are noisy, dirty and take a lot of food. How are you covering that?

SD my take on this issue would be to try and only keep smaller critters, Pygmy goats, Pygmy pigs, Chooks, Bunnies and fish rather than sheep and cattle, many of those critter can be caged or confined in outhouses is a security problem arises, naturally like all our preps it would make sense to keep the critters in smaller fragmented groups in different locations, not easy but always better than all egggs in one basket. One approach taken by some folks on an offgrid forum is NOT to keep a few critters in the confines of your land but rather flood the area with critters that can live semi feral lifestyle and hope that if TSHTF their are wiley enough to not all get killed by passing sheeple. EG if you have woodland then it makes sense to loose pigs , especially the smaller hairy and thus better cammoflaged rare breeds, goats, small deer like the prolific muntjuics, rabbit, grouse etc, and of course a partially blocked stream or a big pond is ideal for growing food fish. One of the offgridders added he would keep back some of his critters close to home, but if things started to go tits up he would release his breeding stock of mini pigs n goats etc into the surrounding woodland ??

RE: How to protect what you have ? - bigpaul - 25 June 2012

during the war a lot of people kept chickens and rabbits in their back yards, these are the animals to start with, fairly small and easy to handle and hide away.

RE: How to protect what you have ? - NorthernRaider - 25 June 2012

(25 June 2012, 13:20)bigpaul Wrote: during the war a lot of people kept chickens and rabbits in their back yards, these are the animals to start with, fairly small and easy to handle and hide away.

Very good point Paul, In my home village 50 years ago I was told how during the war the people living the the terraces that ran east west kept chooks and bunnies, thoise with sun in their yards cos the houses ran north south grew veg. at the top end of the street the detached houses and big terraces with gardens often kept porkers, goats and sheep and one old biddy kept a small cow ( guensey?) for the milk. Nearly every large garden at the top of the street had lean to greenhouses and fruit trees.