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Helping other people out - Bonnox - 21 August 2013

Just posted something in the first aid section but thought I would pose something similar here for opinions,
It's regarding a mass casualty event, if you came across strangers who say had had a bus crash and a dozen or so people were injured, would you stop and help ?
My points/thoughts are
1: using your first aid kit is just that its using your supplies, things you may need but once their gone you may not be able to restock for a long time
2: could you leave someone to die ?

And what if it was family ? How far would you go knowing it may have serious consequences to your own survival ? Eg 86 year old aunty Ethal falls and breaks her hip, now she can't walk, if your on the move it would take two people to carry a stretcher, then there would be food to keep her going for little repayment (everyone has a job post shtf in my view be it washing hunting cooking etc)
Now I'm not advocating aunty ethal gets a shovel to the headBig Grin
But it is something to think about and consider

RE: Helping other people out - bigpaul - 21 August 2013

one thing about using your first aid kit....surely you have more than one? if you have only one your going to use it up FAST, you need multiples-I have 5 at the last count and i'm not above getting more. so you can treat that bus crash with your first aid kit and be safe in the knowledge you have more supplies back at base.

RE: Helping other people out - Prepper1 - 21 August 2013

Aunty Ethel gets a firemans lift whether she likes it or not and dies at base camp with family, as it should be.

Everybody else can go screw themselves...

Although, if I had a SPARE first aid kit and I mean SPARE, as the first rule is dont give up your own stuff.
AND I was feeling particularly benevolent, I MAY throw it there way.... MAY...

Firemans lift is one person over the shoulder.

so one casualty being carried by one person, yes its not particularly comfy but....
Then the other gives covering fire etc...

RE: Helping other people out - Scythe13 - 21 August 2013

You start helping people, you'll get done for it!!! If you give someone CPR and save their life, they can then sue you for breaking their ribs (which is expected during CPR)!!!

Post SHTF, where there is less legislation, I'm more likely to help then.

RE: Helping other people out - Mooski88 - 21 August 2013

Yeah I would help them. Tho by sounds of it most people would sooner sit and wait for them to die so they can take their supplies. Or may u would simply shoot them? Help them along? After all if other people are alive arent they just using up supplies that you could use?

Sorry but I would always help out a fellow human being or animal if I can.

RE: Helping other people out - bigpaul - 21 August 2013

post shtf I would try and help if I could, knowing that help is probably not coming-provided I am not putting myself in harms way, pre shtf all I would do is ring 999 on my mobile.

mind you, I'd be happier looking after a sick puppy than a sick human, but then I prefer animals to people anyway!Big GrinBig Grin

RE: Helping other people out - River Song - 21 August 2013

A first aid kit is like saving "for a rainy day".

Well it's raining.

You have casualties.

RE: Helping other people out - NorthernRaider - 21 August 2013

I honestly cannot see the point of posts like this because no one knows what they will do because of the variiables involved Morals and Intentions are like plans, they go out the window as soon as things kick off.

RE: Helping other people out - MaryN - 21 August 2013

(21 August 2013, 17:53)Mooski88 Wrote: Yeah I would help them. Tho by sounds of it most people would sooner sit and wait for them to die so they can take their supplies. Or may u would simply shoot them? Help them along? After all if other people are alive arent they just using up supplies that you could use?

Sorry but I would always help out a fellow human being or animal if I can.

Me too. Humanity would kick in.

RE: Helping other people out - Stewart - 21 August 2013

(21 August 2013, 17:52)Scythe13 Wrote: You start helping people, you'll get done for it!!! If you give someone CPR and save their life, they can then sue you for breaking their ribs (which is expected during CPR)!!!

Post SHTF, where there is less legislation, I'm more likely to help then.

has anyone been sued yet,or is it just a myth