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SD theirs a elephant in the room - Printable Version

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SD theirs a elephant in the room - Sunna - 1 March 2015

ok ill ask as nobody else has the bottle......

sd why are you not letting new members join ....?

if its some sort of tec issue will this change....?

if you have had enough , let the mods take over...?

please don't ban me again , I ask as I want [like many others ] the site to grow , this needs new blood.

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Straight Shooter - 1 March 2015

Sunna would you pay a fee for this site ? I would ....the files alone would be well worth a fee .....How much much .....would you pay ? .....not forgetting the rules and constraints that would entail.......the thing is .....when members on here slate this site on other forums it might be a good idea for them to fuck right off from here and not post at all ...and they usually bring nothing of worth anyway they would be no loss at all.....I am sure there will be loads chomping at the bit bit to reply ......over to you lot swearing unconditional deep love and loyalty for this site......take it away folks .....this should be good.

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Sunna - 1 March 2015

I was hoping sd would answer ....then we could all talk it through , shall we wait for that.

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Straight Shooter - 2 March 2015

You miss the point ! Ask yourself why? Would anyone spend time and money producing a site such as this for no financial gain ? Do you see pop ups adds for this and that NO you pay anything ....NO.... the site was produced for a UK survival bais in mind for people just like US ask and demand answers ......yet you do not ask where great members have gone....what's wrong ? bothers you more that YOU will not have the ability to post on here and hold the floor and get responces to your posts that you seem to think enpowers you does not mate ....try twatter or facebook you will not last five mins just my opinion.........ask yourself ....if it was my site would I put up with the shit ? . Is the effort worth the aggrevation .......would you be better off out of it .......I,ll leave that with! you to ponder over. Freedom of expression is a wonderfull thing so use it cherrish the fact you are able to do not abuse it. .............rumour has it NR has leeped off The man of the north naked.....terthed to a paracord 8mm around his neck .....after attaching the other end to the structure there was only 22ft left ......far to short of course.......Sd did shout ! NR NOooooooooo don,t do it. The paracord is short son ! As NR lept off for his intended target of eighty cardboard boxes stacked on the roof of his transit van ...all anyone could do is watch as he fell ......wipping out his pocket knife ......from Aldi,s desparatley cutting away.....managed to release himself .......just in time.....lucky bastard ! SD said ........the transit roof would be as good as new by next Friday when they beat it back to shape ......he said he told NR his calcs were indeed wrong ......160 boxes would have done it..... but Sd now claims NRs back problem is now cured and claims credit for The cure......... when I checked this out with mrs NR she said Bullshit ! He is still in traction .....he should be on solids within the next two months......that SD put him up to it was a ploy t create interest in suk.....the idea was NR was goigto post a thread on the way down ......he could not do this he was busy the way.....the tablet is fucked .....we will be claiming for all this -.....and the front grill where the tablet went into the radiator.......the moral ......great stunt go,s wrong .......

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Sunna - 2 March 2015

I know you have been away for a while , so you may of missed that many suk regulars and mods are worried about the new members issue.

iv not been rude or demanded an answer , its true I and others have talked about suk on difo I wont name them .

so ss please don't try to spoil the thread , the elephant is still in the room

a number of members and a mod have talked about the new members issue mabe its now time to back me up .
lets not talk about other issues or nr trying to kill himself...Smile

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Skean Dhude - 2 March 2015

I'm not stopping new members joining. I take it from your comments that they can't join from the main screen. If so this is the first I have heard of it.

People are welcome to join and if they have an issue they can email me and I'll add them while I wait until I can get around to sorting out all the sites.

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Sunna - 2 March 2015

Thank you...Smile

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Devonian - 2 March 2015

(2 March 2015, 10:04)Skean Dhude Wrote: I'm not stopping new members joining. I take it from your comments that they can't join from the main screen. If so this is the first I have heard of it.

People are welcome to join and if they have an issue they can email me and I'll add them while I wait until I can get around to sorting out all the sites.

Problem is potential new members can't email you as they are members and they no one can access the main site to contact you.

Is there anyway to have a new member sign up facility that is incorporated "within the actual forums", without having to access the main SUK site, as that seems to be permanently off line?

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Geordie_Rob - 2 March 2015

SS, I liked your 1st response. I'd be more than happy to pay a little bit each year as a subscription if it ever got to that point. As you say, the files in the download section would be worth that alone, then there's the knowledge & input over the years on the forum.

Your 2nd response however totally lost me. Again it started off well then onto NR, para cord & a knackered tablet? Eh?

I think people being able to join again would breathe a breath of fresh air into the forums. However I understand as a fellow working class bloke that SD simply wouldn't have time to fix every little bug that popped up. Especially the ones he didn't know existed, as seems to be the case here. I just make the best of what is available at the time - the forum in this case.

Also, I'd like to give Sunna credit where it's due. I don't normally agree with most of sunnas posts & indeed get offended by some of them (I'm sure no offence is intended when posted). However it's the 1 screen name you're pretty much guaranteed to see next to articles each & every day.

Well done Sunna for your continued effort to keep the heart of this forum beating.

RE: SD theirs a elephant in the room - Sunna - 2 March 2015

thanks g_r that means a lot.