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Is this the script for a movie? - Printable Version

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Is this the script for a movie? - NorthernRaider - 19 October 2015

Is this the script for a movie?
V for Vendetta 2? Revolution 2? Insurrection 2? A remake of Orwells 1984 ?
Hordes of people waiting for hours in overcrowded hospitals unable to cope, police and security required in many A & E dept’s to keep the peace.
Street and violent crime is rising yet AGAIN, the police are demanding even more repressive laws, equipment and powers to deal with the climbing levels of civil unrest / terrorism / exttemism in the cities.
GP (MD) practices turning people away and saying an appointment is two weeks away at the earliest, many baby boomer nurses and doctors have had it with the NHS and the constant target driven changes by the various governments, over 40% are hoping to leave the NHS in the next couple of years.
Councils dimming down or turning off street lights because they cannot afford the bills
Public services being cut back to bare bones levels, in the UK either services must be cut dramatically or taxes must rise equally dramatically.
Millions of immigrants and dispossessed peoples migrating across Europe looking for sanctuary in the UK, recent estimated by the EU suggest up to 20 million asylum seekers /refugees / economic migrants are expected to try and reach northern Europe in the next 3 years.
The London Metropolitan police report over 250 street gangs operating in London they are now facing competition from religious extremist gangs trying to claim turf for their ethnic groups / faiths.
Collection of domestic rubbish was recently weekly but in many areas now two weekly and many councils now wanting to only collect rubbish once a month.
Power companies warning many power stations are worn out and have to close but no alternatives will be online for at least 7 years
Rich people building fortified subterranean home extensions in the cities or moving to secure gated communities
Sleeper terrorists and terror cells operating across the EU attacking innocent people randomly
British people digging up ornamental gardens and starting to grow as much of their own food as they can or trying to get allotments
Police officer’s being gradually withdrawn from rural and suburban areas to focus on inner city areas leaving the out of towner’s on their own and unprotected.
Multi story underground, off grid self-reliant high security ICEBERG homes being built in numbers under London and gated secure communities being built in rural locations
Laws that DIRECTLY impact on British people being passed by unelected bureaucrats in another country
Over 200,000 people a year disconnecting their mains gas heating and installing wood burning stoves, the fastest growing businesses in the NE are sales of bicycles and firewood ????
Energy bills for power companies are forecast to go up by over 50% within 5 years, the government is reneging on its feed in tariff payments and has cut the amount of money paid by unit from domestic users of PV systems.
Police in some areas will only go in estates after dark if in numbers rather than individually
To simply repair the UKs roads to 1990 levels will cost in excess of £20 billion pounds which the councils say they do not have.
The public gradually being disarmed so that even AIR RIFLES require licensing (started in Scotland, shelved as unworkable, then being raised again to licence air rifles across the whole of the UK)
Sales of steel clad security doors for homes and window grills increased dramatically, the new high security composite doors (secured by design spec) are selling by the thousands each week.
The people losing all faith in the current governmental system and mainstream parties. Political change both in the UK and the EU is desperately needed but the ruling elite are trying to block any change.
2015 is an El Nino year and already wild weather is blighting places as diverse as Texas and India
So is this a script for a TV drama or horror movie like a British version of the Walking dead?
No sorry these are all REAL extracts of recent news stories in the British media.
And still the MSM say preppers are crazy.

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Nix - 19 October 2015

Media tends to exaggerate most reports to sell their rags but where there's some smoke, there's usually fire! The real question with all that's happening in the world today is which will break the camel's back? You've got quite a selection there NR, and that's only the tip of the iceberg!

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Mortblanc - 19 October 2015

Is there any advice here to assist in ones survival?

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Devonian - 19 October 2015

(19 October 2015, 16:59)Mortblanc Wrote: Is there any advice here to assist in ones survival?

Being aware of what is happening around you and not being complacent...?

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Mortblanc - 19 October 2015

(19 October 2015, 18:31)Devonian Wrote:
(19 October 2015, 16:59)Mortblanc Wrote: Is there any advice here to assist in ones survival?

Being aware of what is happening around you and not being complacent...?

You can get that from a newspaper or the TV.

This is a survival forum.

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - MaryN - 19 October 2015

Just wondering what the last straw will be before that poor old camel drops to its knees!

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Devonian - 19 October 2015

(19 October 2015, 19:39)Mortblanc Wrote:
(19 October 2015, 18:31)Devonian Wrote:
(19 October 2015, 16:59)Mortblanc Wrote: Is there any advice here to assist in ones survival?

Being aware of what is happening around you and not being complacent...?

You can get that from a newspaper or the TV.

This is a survival forum.

MB, you seem to have an issue with various posts at the moment, if you do not want to participate in a particular thread, or do not see any value in it, please just refrain from commenting on - as we have already discussed privately!

Negative comments do not help build a community spirit on the forums, so please simply move onto the next thread and leave those who want to discuss such matters, to do so in peace.

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Straight Shooter - 19 October 2015

About bloody time ! so does any of this make sense to YOU ? WHY do we except it ? do we expect the Gov to sort it out and just moan about it ? forget it ....they are the reason why we have arrived here in the first place they have proved they are a complete waste of space and fucking useless ....most sheeple carry on with their lives....filled with shit like prices of food,paying a mortgage,paying for heating, paying the rates and are to busy NOT realizing (the boiling a frog scenario) ....some do not really care about the changes that erode our liberty little by little ...once known as the middle class.....what middle class ? well as a fellow frog... the heat is has now been increased and my arse is reaching boiling point....what will help preppers/ survivalists , just being aware of what the true reality actually the time most GET IT will be way to late.....or am i just blowing smoke up my own arse ?

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - BeardyMan - 19 October 2015

Well, MB was correct on one count! Big Grin

So... There's an awful lot of things on NRs list there... What can be done to mitigate against some of these? The food things, and the power we can take care of in house (royal we) but most of the things we can do nothing about on an individual level.

RE: Is this the script for a movie? - Tibbs735 - 20 October 2015

I agree with SS, this is one example where the tired analogy of the frog in the pot is really accurate. This is the slow slide SHTF that JW Rawles talks about. So many of the above issues could be a flashpoint. If one Tunisian fruit seller setting himself on fire can trigger the Arab spring, what could be our trigger, especially with rising food prices.