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general worry in the yard - Printable Version

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general worry in the yard - Sunna - 7 November 2015

got back to the yard on Friday afternoon , load for Monday , wash lorrys ect after talking to the lads many had done almost nothing all week sat at the roadside waiting for jobs.
this time of year every trader is gearing up for xmas but the wheels were not rolling as they should , talking to other drivers much the same just ticking over.

its not what our pm tells us , uk is on the up.

how it for you ....

RE: general worry in the yard - bigpaul - 7 November 2015

and this is relevant to prepping how?

RE: general worry in the yard - Sunna - 7 November 2015

well paul the guys at work inc me were and are worried about unemployment is worring about unemployment prepping....

I know its not zombies or ww3 but some of us think about more realistic things , nevermind wrap up warm and have some coco .

RE: general worry in the yard - bigpaul - 7 November 2015

your lorry driver mates sitting on their arses moaning is not prepping.

RE: general worry in the yard - River Song - 7 November 2015

Note from Mod

There are so few of us left here that a little tolerance wouldnt go amiss


RE: general worry in the yard - Barneyboy - 7 November 2015

Well I work the clubs ,and the masses are still pissing shed loads of money at the week end ,but there is a big increase in people trying to bring in there own drink or being drunk before hand

RE: general worry in the yard - NorthernRaider - 7 November 2015

I noted that the anarchist, the poor starving impoverished anarchist at the anti everything riot was photographed wearing an £800 jacket, the 20,000 Brits whinging in Sharm Ek Shiek can easily afford multiple fines as nearly all of em have kids with them, and apparently your poor and impoverished in the UK if you don't have fast broadband.

Give it 18 months and you will see families on Jeremy Kyle whinging that the state should pay for their hols to Sharm and they should be given free broadband.

RE: general worry in the yard - bigpaul - 7 November 2015

and WHEN TSHTF they still wont have food in the cupboard or own a torch, so what?
I seem to remember an old saying:" you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink".
but whats all this got to do with prepping? we can gripe and moan at the government, the political classes or the sheeple, but it dosent change anything.

now, if Sunna could get his lorry driver mates to think about actually putting back some extra food to tide them over WHEN and IF they became unemployed, just a bit extra each week nothing too serious, then this would be an accomplishment and is relevant to the purpose of this forum, but I expect like most people they like to bitch and moan but doing something for themselves off their own bat is probably beyond them, like about 99% of the population.

RE: general worry in the yard - NorthernRaider - 7 November 2015

Few people outside our community ever consider common sense preps, they even object to having to have car, house or liability insurance, when the good times roll and money is rolling in few will save, most will blow it on bling, hols and new motors.

Actually few will even think it is up to THEMSELVES to take responsibility for themselves.

RE: general worry in the yard - Devonian - 7 November 2015

As RS has already asked, a little more tolerance wouldn't go amiss, please.

If you are not interested in the original post, just don't add a response to the thread - simple really.

For me personally unemployment is not something I have to worry about, but for many it is, so for those, such as Sunna for whom it is an issue, I see no problem with him raising it as a legitimate concern for which he may want to consider prepping for.

Lets just remember that we all prep for different reasons.