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Be Afraid, be very afraid - NorthernRaider - 30 April 2016

As warned of the creation of the undemocratic and unelected EUSSRs in house stasi police force is now being trained.

he military police group is made up of seven European nations, including Spain, Romania, Poland and Germany, and aims to quell post conflict scenarios within EU member states.

The group’s website reported that: “The aim of the [2016, April 15th] Comprehensive Live Exercise will be capacity building of police and gendarmes who will participate in international stabilisation missions and projects with a police component.”

It went on to describe the exercises carried out, including “carousel training, with attention being given to all policing skills, including community policing and social patrols, crowd and riot control, SWAT teams and forensic investigation”.

European affairs spokesman for the German Government Andrej Huko asked to attend, but was blocked from coming close to the site.

The training exercised was funded by the EU
He claimed that the military force was preparing to shut down “political meetings” and “protests”.

He went on to argue that the, “militarisation of the police” is, “extremely worrying and contrary in Germany to the principle of separation of police and military”.

" SHUT DOWN ANY POLITICAL MEETINGS AND PROTESTS" that would be meetings and protests against EU policy and mass migration!!

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - CharlesHarris - 30 April 2016

Seems to me that this will influence the UK vote. I hope that it does.

Watching events from across the pond, I find it disturbing...

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - NorthernRaider - 30 April 2016

It scares the crap out of me Charles primarily because I believe I can see what they are up to. EG if Anti EU protests or anti establishment protests kick off in say France, then they will deploy the EU Special Police from a country with no loyalty or ties to France and who will have no qualms about mercilessly stopping out all resistance to the state.

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - Nemesis - 30 April 2016

We have been heading towards this for a long time now, police stations closing there doors at 5pm and others closing doors permanently, government departments establishing on line only methods of approach.

No one to complain to no voice will be heard welcome to the future.


RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - LawAbidingCitizen - 30 April 2016

Notice how they populate it with countries whose interest is to remain in the EU. Supported no doubt at the centre by the strength of the German Stasi sorry I mean Police.

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - NorthernRaider - 30 April 2016

Half of Europe appears to think that George Orwells book 1984 is a " How to run an continent guide"

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - LawAbidingCitizen - 30 April 2016

(30 April 2016, 18:03)NorthernRaider Wrote: Half of Europe appears to think that George Orwells book 1984 is a " How to run an continent guide"

The articles are a bit old but that probably makes them even more relevant now:

We already have 'speech crime', the above article seems to infer that 'face crime' is near enough here, and last but not least 'thought crime' - I suppose for daring to have a non main stream view point will, or is at least considered, to be bordering on criminal.

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - aguy - 30 April 2016

I am afraid, but this will never be put on any TV news or mainstream papers

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - NorthernRaider - 1 May 2016

What the Soviet Socialists could not do with tanks and guns the EU has achieved with Lawyers and Burocrats, an undemocratic, unelected, socialist totalitarian police state. And in 2016 most of the continents peoples just like us have been gradually disarmed over a period of time.

RE: Be Afraid, be very afraid - Jonas - 4 May 2016

Just noticed that the EU will fine a country 250,000 for each "immigrant" turned away. If you all don't drop the EU like a hot rock, then look out for "Hitler 2.0" 75 years afterthe original.